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Welcome to Nature Therapy Candles & Media

This is a continuation of our main site at 

Here, you will find more of our artistic candle creations, wax melts, and my patented "scupable wax™" that you can purchase here or on our Etsy shop or the main site if you so choose.

Additionally, you'll find MEDIA from our media archives collection that enhances all of our scents in unique ways. No one else in our industry is doing this! Some try but they don't go out in nature themselves like we do and captures the sights and sounds of nature then package it in a way that it becomes an entire 3D nature and media experience. 

Browse our selection of nature scents, coffee scents, and food scents and you'll remember that special pie baking in the oven that your Grandma made years ago, you'll walk in the fields and smell the light scent of rain on a grape vineyard, and feel the misty ocean breeze in your mind. 

We do take custom orders, so feel free to contact us with special requests. 

This site is an add-on to our main site, so please be patient while we grow and expand our business and offerings. 

In the meantime, check out our ETSY shop to the right of this text.