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Natural Teeth Whitening Products

Natural teeth whitening has become quite the fad recently across the globe. Not only are we seeing celebrities with these gleamingly white smiles, but your next door neighbour, granny and co-worker are all now bearing an amazing set of pearly whites. Now it is time for you to join the party and get a few second looks yourself.

We live in a day and age where we as consumers are conscious of things that may be harmful to our bodies, such as harsh chemicals from body rubs or facial masks. These things have sometimes left people with the quite opposite of what they had hoped would happen after using these product. Consumers have become naturalists, wanting free range this or naturally squeezed that. This is great news as we are now actively taking a step forward in our efforts of maintaining good health. Many people are now aware of the products which are bad to use for your body, but there still seems to be confusion on how we can naturally whiten our teeth without using harmful products or constant trips to our local dentist. Whitening your teeth at the dentist will only last for a short period of time and some dentists only recommend coming back in a year.

Some foods or products around the house can be used as a natural teeth whitener.  Coconut oil, for example, is known to help clean teeth quite effectively. This method is referred to as oil pulling and is an age old practice originating from South East Asia. If you are trying this out, simply fill your mouth with oil and swish away for about fifteen minutes. This is also said to help protect your teeth, keep your gums healthy and eliminate bad breath.

Another thing that can be used, believe it or not, is turmeric, the root known for its bright yellow stains and used in mainly Asian cuisine. This may seem like a horrible joke but turmeric works very well to help whiten stained teeth. If you have fresh turmeric, a small block can be chewed and spat out. You can also make a paste with ground turmeric and baking soda that can be used as a whitener. Brush for a few minutes and rinse your mouth out thoroughly. Your teeth will feel smooth and polished as well as emit a beautiful shine. Turmeric, like coconut oil, is also good for the health of your gums and mouth. These are two easily attainable products which can help you naturally whiten your teeth and to keep them that way.