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Great Tips for Curing Back Pain

Many people experience back pain at one time or another during their lives. Some experience minor discomfort while others suffer excruciating pain. Many suffer in silence as they do not know of an effective solution to their problem. This can affect daily life and may even disrupt performance of simple daily tasks. There are many solutions for someone experiencing back pain: to treat it as it occurs or to get rid of the pain once and for all.

Back pain has affected many people over the ages. Not all who experience it visit the doctor every time they experience the pain. There is no official record of the number of people who experience back pain as the pain may be experienced in different degrees. Many people tend to self-medicate by resting at home or by easing their muscles and back bones with a gentle massage.

Exercise, as anyone would vouch, is a good activity for strengthening your body and keeping you in good health. Therefore it is not surprising that you should consider working up some kind of exercise program if you experience.

Exercise causes the different parts of the body to experience better blood flow, which nourishes the joints, muscles and discs. Spasms, the main cause of back pain, can be relieved with exercise. Even simple and easy exercises have proven to be beneficial for easing back pain.

Prolonged positions
If you are constantly at the computer doing your work, you should be sitting with your feet flat on the floor for better posture and better blood circulation. Putting your feet on a foot rest helps to alleviate pain as well as getting up from your chair and moving about for just 5 minutes for every hour you are seated. If you have to stand for long periods of time, shift your weight from one foot to the other to relieve back pain and encourage better blood circulation.

Types of shoes
Besides exercise, what you wear on your feet also plays an important role in the occurrence of back pain. You should opt for low-heeled shoes with soft soles for more comfort for your back. You can put inserts into your shoes to attain better posture and avoid back pain. If you feel you are overweight, losing the extra weight can help to ease the burden on your back.

These are just some simple tips that can help you to eliminate your pain so that you can enjoy your daily life.    

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Cardio Vs Weights - Which Is Best?

Usually a person would conjure up heavy workouts when it comes to losing weight or getting into shape. Cardiovascular exercise often competes with lifting weights to burn fat, for most men. There is a misunderstanding about lifting weights; people see it as more favorable with men who want to build up the chest size and muscles.

Weight lifting

This is not the most popular exercise as it is believed that the enlarged muscles look unflattering, especially to women. Nevertheless, there are many benefits in weight lifting. Indeed greater strength is achieved from weight lifting and the stronger muscles improve the posture, as well as the functioning of internal organs.

Muscles may get bigger, but because they are toned; meaning that fats are burned faster during rest or active periods. Weight training can help to enlarge the capacity of the cardiovascular function.

Cardiovascular training

Many prefer this aerobic type of training, as heart disease is known to be man’s #1 killer. It has been suggested that a strong and healthy heart and strong lungs lower our chances of contracting heart diseases; cardiovascular training in the form of aerobic exercises can do just that.

These exercises certainly burn a lot of calories and shed some weight off us, which satisfies many, especially those who are busy. Many may run for ½ hour every day if disciplined in order to achieve the objective.

Combination of both

The best of both worlds offers a higher result as you attempt both the exercises in less time for greater effects.  The key to this method is to perform the exercises with greater intensity to achieve that same result, or better, in a shorter time frame because of the greater effort put in.

Low intensity workouts may burn some calories, but not enough to see a great difference; they take more time, which in turn may discourage you from continuing if you lack discipline or are hard pressed for time. Intense weight lifting can burn more fats in less time. This is extremely useful information when you are busy, but need to keep in shape.

Hence for busy people who want to keep in good shape and health, an intense training program that does not take up too much time is ideal. An intense weight lifting of ½ hour followed by an intense cardio workout for ½ hour are sufficient to achieve that good health and body shape a couple of times a week instead of the daily ½ hour low intensity exercise program.

Not many can endure the required intensity; they prefer the less demanding workout routines.  If you are really serious about your health and shape, you need to make it work with a little more effort, which gives good payoffs. Have that goal in mind for motivation!

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How Safe Are Weight Loss Pills?

Nowadays, more and more people are turning obese. Obesity is the gateway for many serious ailments like blood pressure, diabetes etc. You can attribute many reasons to this trend. Change of lifestyle, eating habits, lack of physical exercise, anxiety etc are some of the reasons for obesity.  Physicians always insist that the obese should take to exercises, proper dieting, etc to reduce weight.

Weight loss by pills:

Many weight loss pills are now available in the market. Many of these pills claim to be herbal. The manufacturers of these pills make loud claims of quick reduction of weight in matter of days. Some of the manufacturers even claim the pills are free from any side effects. These claims of the manufacturers attract obese people.

How safe are the pills?

In fact, doctors and nutrition experts denounce the claim made by the manufacturers of these weight reduction pills. Experts warn that these pills, whether they are herbal based or chemical based, will cause serious side effects in long run.
For example, those who suffer from eating irregularity take pills, which contain phentermine, sibutramine, fefluramine and deithylpropion. Experts say that these chemicals present in the weight loss pills could have serious side effects like dizziness, anxiety, headache, insomnia, high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat, etc.

There are medicines, meant to absorb fats present in the food. Orlistat is one natural fat, essentially required by the body. When the pills block the fat, it blocks even the very essential Orlistat fat as well. This restricts the supply of vitamins to the body. At the same time, it affects the digestive mechanism of the body, resulting in indigestion, frequent diarrhea, etc. 

There are pills, which claim to remove excess water present in the body. After removal of the excess water, naturally, it results in reduction of weight. However, this has serious side effects. These pills remove the water stored in kidney, lever etc. About seventy percent of body components consist of water, and removing water from the entire body components is just suicidal. The pills cannot differentiate between excess water and the essential water. By removing the water from the body, the mechanism of the body gets affected and it leads to very serious side effects.

Therefore, instead of taking these pills, it is advisable to follow other methods such as proper dieting, physical exercise, etc which are the safest means to reduce weight.   

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Casein Protein Powder - The Protein for Athletes

Protein is essential for body and tissue functioning, structures, and regulations of cells. Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Protein powder and supplements are widely used by aspiring bodybuilders, as they increase metabolism, eradicate any deficiencies caused by the lack of protein, and help an individual to obtain muscles.

Milk is rich in protein - Casein, albumin and globulin are the three kinds of proteins that can be found in milk. Casein is the protein that is responsible for the color of milk and is not soluble like the other two proteins.

Benefits of casein protein

Casein protein powder is used for the enhancement of muscle retention; it helps to retain the muscle mass and increases the strength in the legs and the chest. Casein is also high in calcium content and has the benefits of aiding in weight reduction.

Casein protein is a muscle enhancing agent. It gets absorbed into the blood gradually and does not have any impact on the protein synthesis and the responsible process for muscle growth. This causes casein to be the most effective source to prevent a protein collapse.

Casein powder is digested by the body at a pace that is relatively slower when compared to whey proteins. Before being absorbed by the muscles and casein is digested by the stomach with the help of gastric juices. This process helps in providing a regular and steady supply of amino acids, the proteins which are required to prevent the muscles from catabolizing.

The biological value of casein protein is 77, a number that is lower if compared to whey and egg, which has the value of 104 and 100 respectively. The biological value represents the quantity of the particular protein that is absorbed by the system. Despite the lower value, however, casein has been proven, both scientifically and statistically, to have abundant benefits that outweigh others.

Casein protein makes up for its low biological value by its high glutamine content. Glutamine is the amino acid which helps gain muscles, prevents loss and damage, and enhances the immunity system. Another benefit of casein lies in its ability to fight colon cancer.

Casein is considered to be a high quality protein that benefits the body in a wide variety of ways. Casein protein is recommended to be taken before going to bed; dairy products are one of the most eminent sources that retain casein protein.   

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The Best Body Building Supplements - Possible Side Effects of Nitric Oxide

    The market nowadays is flooded with body building supplements and an increasing number of people are using them. Bodybuilding supplements can be of many types depending on the type of requirements they fulfil and their effectiveness. One of the bodybuilding supplements that is very popular on the market today is the nitric oxide bodybuilding supplement. Many people may include nitric oxide supplements in their regular dietary intakes as the supplements aim at increasing the body mass. However before investing in any nitric oxide supplements, it is essential to know the side-effects associated with them.

Nitric oxide supplements are beneficial in providing huge amounts of oxygen and valuable nutrients to the body. Muscle mass is built by the dilation of the arteries. The dilation of the arteries result in the increasing of the blood flow and hence increase the growth of muscle, or in other words, the muscle mass. Your muscles can be fatigued after a strenuous workout; nitric oxide supplements help in the relaxation of the body. There can be many side effects associated with this type of supplement; they are discussed in detail below.

Nausea: One of the most common forms of side effects from taking nitric oxide supplement is nausea and headaches. In some cases there might be complaints of diarrhoea; but a lighter meal helps you in overcoming this problem. Another way is to take this supplement when your stomach is full. You can try taking smaller quantities of nitric oxide supplements. The quantities can be increased slowly over a period of time. This gives your body the time to adjust.

Headaches: You might be suffering from minor headaches from time to time after consuming the supplements. This can be caused by dehydration in your body. Keep your body hydrated all the time by drinking at least ten to twelve glasses of water. Headaches are common when the body is not well hydrated and you are on supplements.

Lack of sleep: It is important to consume your supplements at least 5 to 6 hours before you go to sleep. An increasing number of people complain of lack of sleep after taking the supplements.

Serious side-effects: There can be serious side effects associated with these supplements. This includes an increased heart rate, which might be due to a cardiovascular disease, and in some cases hyperglycaemia may occur resulting in reduced glucose levels in the blood. Therefore it is essential to consult your doctor and take advice before opting for any of these nitric oxide bodybuilding supplements. It is unwise to ignore the side effects as they may cause serious damage to your body in the long run.


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Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet

With many people clamoring for a good weight loss program, many have surfaced and have been submerged over the decades. Fad diets, as well as slimming programs, have passed our way with the weight reduction industry reaping millions in revenue and many more companies trying to get onto the bandwagon.

Glycemic Index Diet

Among the many false hopes of weight loss programs offered on the market today, there is another hopeful offering known as the low GI weight reducing diet, which is growing in popularity due to its quick effectiveness.

Besides achieving the desired weight loss, the low GI plan includes many health benefits, such as cancer prevention, reduction of diabetes and avoidance of heart diseases. The main factor in this diet plan is the lesser glycemic index in your food items, which helps lower the amount of bad cholesterols present in your body and assists in controlling the blood pressure. Your body's immune system is strengthened and it has a stronger chance of warding off diseases and health problems of other kinds.

Engaging the GI diet

A lower glycemic index is the main focus in this GI diet, which means that the higher GI foods should be reduced or avoided where possible; this means that foods with high saturated fats should be avoided, as these are the main causes of heart disease when the cholesterol level from these saturated fats increases in your body and clogs up the body's arteries, as well as the blood vessels.

Fruit intake is crucial while embarking on the low GI program; a recommended 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day is essential for an effective low GI weight loss diet, as these have very little fats or calories making weight loss easy. Enjoy the great variety of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables for the necessary minerals and vitamins that keep your body healthy.


In order for this diet plan to work effectively, one must be consistent with the food items required in the GI diet by including more low food items than high food items, although this may prove to be a challenge to some with a busy schedule.

Hence, for these busy folks, try to have at least 2 low GI meals every day to feel the impact. This minimum intake of meals will maintain your steady blood sugar level and reduce your risk of diseases, besides helping to lose weight.

You will also be equipped with more energy for your routine activities. Enjoy a healthier life today with a low GI diet!

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Body Changes in Pregnant Women

There will be many changes happening during the course of a pregnancy for about 9 months, which will be experienced by the expecting mother internally as well as externally, physically, emotionally as well as hormonally. Over the course of about 40 months, this time is divided into 3 trimesters; during each trimester there are different changes to the woman's body and the fetus.

Changes to the Woman's body

The woman's body will adapt itself to take on a load of 20 pounds, which include the weight of the baby, fluids and placenta; this strains the body organs and tissues causing a change to the body's centre of gravity, which in turn causes body aches and fatigue. This change also causes pressure on the diaphragm, which impacts the breathing, making it more difficult. Morning sickness and vomiting are the first symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester.

As the pressure increases from the increasing weight of the growing fetus, the pelvic muscles or diaphragm may restrict the flow of blood from the lower part of the body to the heart, causing the occurrence of varicose and spider veins on the legs, as well as hemorrhoids. Mood swings are also a common symptom of pregnancy when feelings of doubt, fear or anxiety tend to creep in on most pregnant women at some point.

Breast changes may be more noticeable once the pregnancy is confirmed. Fatigue is usually experienced as the pregnancy advances and hence more rest is recommended to the pregnant mother with a proper diet and exercise program.

Complications during Pregnancy

A pregnant woman may experience a mild urinary infection or feel like emptying her bladder more often. Although most pregnant women may experience nausea during the 1st trimester, some may experience a prolonged nausea into the 2nd trimester or even until before delivery.

Headaches during pregnancy can range from mild to severe, which may be indicative of preeclampsia. The body organs are affected to some extent as hormonal changes continue during pregnancy to accommodate the growing fetus, thus causing possible constipation.

As the pregnancy advances, the pregnant woman may experience glucosuria, which is an increase in the glucose level in the body; this in turn can cause urinary tract infection.

As there may be many complications that can surface during pregnancy, the pregnant woman should take care of herself as best she can prior to the pregnancy to reduce the chances of complications arising, and to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

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Top Chest Exercises for Developing Full Muscular Pecs

It may be every guy's dream to have a superior physique, but it seldom happens just by dreaming. One has to work at building up the chest muscles through the appropriate chest exercises. Start by understanding the anatomy and functions of the body before choosing the right exercises for building up the desired body areas.

Chest Anatomy

The chest is made up of major and minor pectoral muscles called pectoralis.

The pectoralis minor muscles are smaller and placed beneath the major pectoral which makes them less observable. These muscles are attached to the mid ribs, coracoids and scapula to allow the shoulders to move forward. The pectoralis major muscles are bigger and more pronounced at the humerus bone near your shoulder and fan out to different areas of the breastbone right at your chest center.

The primary function of the pectoralis major muscles is to allow the upper arms to cross over the body front, just like what bodybuilders do in a chest pose.

Best Chest Exercises

Once you understand the anatomy of the body, you can check out the appropriate exercises to build up the chest muscles.

Bench Press

Bench presses are a favorite with the guys as they want to build up their chest muscles too. The bench press works best on the chest with the pressing and strengthening of the upper body. You can use accessories with the bench press such as grips, bench angles, dumbbells or elbow tights.

A typical exercise routine includes sitting on a flat bench with a barbell in each hand. Take a medium width grip with the elbows tucked in as a safety precaution before lowering the bar to the lower chest.

Not only are the pectoralis worked on, the shoulder as well as the triceps are worked on too. Alternatively, you can use an inclined bench with dumbbells as an added stress on the shoulders to work them.

Parallel Bars

Bar dips can work the chest muscles and triceps. The dips can be used together with dumbbells to cross your arms over your body to firm up the chest muscles.

Cable crossovers

Stand at the dual cable device holding the machine handles with your spread out arms. Bring the handles in to the chest front with a slight bend at the elbows. This is a good exercise choice to end your workout regimen as it is a light weight exercise.

Dumbbell Pullover

Lie flat on the bench with hands holding dumbbells above your head. Then reach backwards behind your head with arms slightly bent. There are many variations of exercises that you can try out to develop your chest fully and to increase your opportunity to be attractive. Be sure to choose a proper workout regimen for developing your chest.

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7 Tips for Losing Weight Effectively

You might come across thousands of articles on the internet about the techniques to be adopted for losing weight. There are some techniques which are easy to follow while some others require your time and energy. So what is best the way out? I am going to tell 7 simple tips which can be followed if you want to shed extra pounds effectively.

1. Set your goals. You cannot achieve anything if you do not set a goal for yourself. It takes commitment and dedication to set a goal. The moment you make a decision, you will be better prepared to proceed in the right direction.

2. Target realistic weight loss. Weight loss is not an easy task to do as you will have to work out hard and eat a healthy diet in order to achieve your target. You are bound to succeed if you set a realistic goal for you weight loss. You can just dream of losing 2 pounds a week as it is not humanly possible to lose weight at such a fast rate, especially in the beginning when your body is not as well adjusted to such a level of activity. So, in order to avoid disappointment, try to have a practical goal in mind which can really be achieved.

3. Focus on the process. There is a difference in the process goal and the result goal. You have to focus on the process by which you need to achieve the target. For example, the choice of appropriate exercise and diet plan is the process goal. You have to calculate the amount of workout sessions you need to ado on a daily basis.

4. Short-term and long-term goals. You have to consider both the short term and the long term goals. The achievement of your short term goals will lead you to complete the long term ones.

5. Start with small goals. You cannot get the results of your workout overnight. You have to stay patient and consistent in your effort to lose extra weight. When you finally reach each of your smaller goals, you will be encouraged and motivated to continue with same zeal and enthusiasm.

6. Modifications. You will have to make certain changes in your daily routine and eating habits. Although it is never easy to change your habits, you have no other option.

7. Monitor your development. Assessment and monitoring is the most important factor. You cannot proceed in the right direction if you do not know for sure that you are already making progress.

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Burn Calories to Lose Weight by Eating the Right Food

Your body is like a furnace that wants to burn - and if it is given the right 'fuel', it will burn it up to keep itself in good shape and health. Calories are the best fuel for the body; hence you need to feed it the right types of foods.

Well balanced diet

This calls for an input of well balanced meals that contain the right amount and types of calories for the body to burn, instead of foods that are converted to sugar and stored as fat, which slows down the body metabolism.

Eat foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins that will 'fill' up your body without it feeling 'hungry'. A lot of processed foods or drinks have empty calories that do not benefit your body, which we must eliminate.

Skipping meals will kill off your body's calorie burning effort as your body will be starving and start storing up fats for the 'rainy day', which will prompt you to eat more. This is a natural defense mechanism to provide for the body's needs.

When you do not feed your body, it has to revert to stored up fat.

Smaller portions

Having more but smaller meals daily with some snacks will increase the body metabolism and hence burn more calories. Your health will be improved with a regulated blood sugar level.

When you eat correctly, you are determining how much energy your body needs to maintain a good blood sugar level.


There are many types of exercises to help you burn unwanted fat. You have to exercise sufficiently to burn off the required amount of fats. Choose exercises that you will enjoy to avoid dropping off the routine. You can stay motivated by

making changes in the workout routines, which will also allow your body to burn more calories than you would when staying on one workout routine.

Just ½ hour a day of some exercise or a form of physical activity is sufficient to burn more calories than you put in, which leads to weight loss. Simple and fun physical activities include walking, cycling or swimming.

Burning off more calories than you put in is the best and most realistic form of weight loss one can embark on, as you will see results and feel fit quickly. Avoid quick fixes for losing weight, such as fad diets and starvation that can harm your body in the long run.

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