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DTP immunization is one of the 5 immunizations required by the government. According to the Ministry of Health immunization schedule, the first DTP immunization is given at 2 months of age. Then further immunizations given at the age of 3 months, 4 months, 18 months, 5 years and 12 years. As a result, a total grant of 6 times. DTP vaccination could be equivalent to the polio vaccine.

DTP immunization purposes

Purpose or benefit that is DTP immunization to prevent nama bayi diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. DTP immunization giving way this is done by means of injection.

Side effects of DTP immunization

DTP immunization raised effect generally suffer cold or hot. But it fit, so you do not need to panic or worry. Other effects could happen at DTP immunization is swelling or pain at the injection part.

How To Overcome Hot Baby / Fever After Immunization DTP

If the body warm baby / fever (body temperature above 37.5 ° C), usually fussy or crying baby continues as uncomfortable. At such moments, not the least of the parents who want to immediately dispense reductant / hot reliever. But preferably, giving reliever / reducing heat such as paracetamol, taken as a last resort. Previously, you could do the other way to lower the heat a baby, they are:

1. Hugging baby with skin to skin method (same-same skin contact with naked), so that heat can be transferred from a child to the mother / father.

2. Increase breastfeeding (mother's milk).

3. Compress with warm water. Perhaps you are still foto bayi confused with cold water or warm compress to lower the heat, but later many doctors who organize compress with warm water can cause fever when children work better rather than cold compresses.

The third way, other potent overcome DTP baby fever after immunization also safe because without medication.

DTP DTP immunization Hot & Cold

Currently there are 2 forms of DTP immunization, namely: DTwP (pertussis proteins containing intact or complete) and DTaP (which only contains some protein pertussis). The difference, immunization DTwP (commonly called Hot DTP) can cause side effects hot / cold post-immunization, while DTaP immunization (commonly called Cold DTP) rarely causes effects fever / hot post-immunization. But despite this, there is no guarantee that after immunized with DTaP or DTP-conditioning, free baby fever / hot. Reason, it will be very influenced by several factors nama nama bayi, one of them currently vaccinated toddlers condition.

DTP immunization costs

Charge a fee DTP DTP Hot Cold, pretty much hooked. As an overview, the Cold DTP price can be more than 10X folding of hot DTP price. The big question is, how hot DTP price? DTP immunization Price - HB combo (regular or hot) in a big hall in Bandung immunization Rp25.000/tahun 2012. DTP vaccination - HB combo is a combination of four types of immune diseases, namely: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B, which is only done once a syringe. The cost does not include VAT 10% and vaccination services.