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Best places to explore in the Myrtle Beach



Myrtle Beach is one of the top places in South Carolina to choose as your vacation spot. It helps you to spend a quality holiday near the coast. It is located on the eastern coast of South Carolina and is immensely popular among the people who want a mesmerizing place to spend their summer vacation.



To have the best experience, visitors prefer to stay in Myrtle Beach house rentals oceanfront because they provide a fantastic view of the ocean and creates a pleasant environment.



Some top-rated places in the Myrtle Beach



Myrtle Beach itself



The biggest attraction in the area is the long line of beautiful beaches. The vast white sand beaches alongside the beautiful ocean attract millions of visitors every year. You can do various fun activities at the beach such as Frisbee, running, windsurfing, Para-sailing and can also explore the world underwater by doing scuba diving.



The best part is the night ambiance; dim lights of the hotel and the soothing sound of splashing water on the soft sand make the visit unforgettable.

Ripley’s Aquarium



It is a unique and attractive place that allows you to have an insight into the aquatic life by exploring a life-size aquarium. The visitors are taken through the dangerous reef aquarium by passing through the acrylic tunnel. It gives a close and real-time experience of viewing sea creatures such as sea turtles, big sharks, and stingrays along with thousands of different fishes.



It offers profound knowledge about aquatic life, and the person can explore various facts about underwater life. Regular shows are held by the management which showcases sea dragon and jellyfishes and ends with a mermaid show. More Info about myrtle beach house rentals oceanfront



Wonder Works Myrtle Beach



It is a unique science museum that attracts people of all age group. It is built around the theme of wonder zones which sheds light on different topics such as light, sound, natural calamities and space. There are special zones for broods where they can play and engage in various fun activities such as giant lite-bright.