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My Pet Rats:

Cartmen, Mrs. Garrison, and Goo Goo Clusters

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These are my pet rats, Cartmen is the outgoing one pressing his hand against the cage, Mrs. Garrison is the shy rat nibbling on a raisin in the back of his cage. Both of my pet rats are male, despite Mrs. Garrison's name! They are brothers and have a lot of fun playing, sleeping, and eating together. I really enjoy having them as pets and little friends, and we have a new addition coming to our family the weekend of July fourth. Our new addition is named Goo Goo Clusters. The breeder I am purchasing him from, Valerie, chose his litter theme to be nostalgic candy.

GooGoo2.jpg picture by ciaramist13

Goo Goo Clusters
I support the Azure Ridge Rattery, (Where Goo Goo Clusters was born).

My experience with pet rats has been rewarding. I really enjoy all of the challenges that having pet rats includes, because there is a great reward I get from every finger nibble and nuzzle. What is the reward? Love. Yes, that's right, these little creatures are capable of loving their owners. I'll be honest, my ratties own me! I cater to their every need and I love being around them. I would recommend a rat as a pet over and other rodent, but ferrets are pretty cool pets too. The best advice I can give a want-to-be rat owner is to be patient with your rattie(s) at first if they are cautious and nervous of you. Eventually, you will notice a change and they will exchange tender affection with you.

Links to other parts of the site:
About Cartmen
About Mrs. Garrison
About Goo Goo Clusters
Useful links about rats