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Sunday, 4 August 2019
5 Laws Anyone Working in shirts Should Know

Infidelity is never an ingredient of a happy relationship. If you want to prevent your girlfriend from cheating on you, you have to understand the reasons for this possibility. Being proactive is much better and easier than curing the infidelity problem.

She hasn't found satisfaction in the relationship.

Like men, women have different expectations in the relationship. They are slightly different from men, though. They desire to have someone who hugs, surprises, listens and respects them as a person. They expect someone who understands why she wants a new bag, spends a longer time in front of the mirror and most importantly, what she believes in. If you fail to address her needs, she'll feel dissatisfied and will most likely seek contentment from someone else.

She doesn't get enough attention and praise.

Do you appreciate her simple efforts to make the relationship work? Do you express your gratitude for the cake she baked, shirt she bought and the times she prioritized you over her friends? If you don't, you have disregarded her in one way or another. If another guy gives her the attention you should have been allotting to her, she'll consider it a form of bait. If you continue to be insensitive, she might walk away from your life.

She's tired of your annoying ways.

Women have different preferences for men. Some love the no-secret policy but others dislike those who lack mystery. Some hate paying the bills when they go on dates but some prefer to treat their boyfriend once in a while. Some think laughter is the best way to their heart but others treasure seriousness and thoughtulness. It's given that love should not change you as a person but for a relationship to exist, there must be a certain compromise. If you don't have this value, you'll end up pestering her with your ways. Consequently, she might be tempted to stray.

She doesn't find you responsible enough.

You can't take away security as a main requirement women look for in the relationship. They find a man who's too lazy to work a turn off. They think those who aren't capable of realizing their potentials must be pushed upwards. If she has to do this for you every now and then, she'll eventually get exhausted for the force she has to exert. She'd rather find someone who inspires her with his milestones and achievements.

She feels out of love.

It may be painful to admit but it's possible for a woman to feel out of love with her partner. No matter how hard they try to feel the spark again, their heart's already devoid of affection for you. In times like this, she'd love to spend time with friends than with you. When everything else has gone dry, don't be surprised to discover she has found someone who's more interesting for her.

Now that you're already aware of the reasons why she would cheat on you, you know how to handle the relationship better. You can still do something to prevent her from turning away from you by considering her needs and being the best that you can be.

It is often seen that t-shirts become part of our personality. It may get stained, ripped and get a plethora of holes. But you won't be able to throw your favourite t-shirt out. The design of the t-shirt happens to be one of the first things that is noticed by people. That is why it is rightly said that they become part of our identity.

T-shirt design is something that is not just tried by the graphic designer, typographer and illustrator. Designing t-shirts is hugely appealing to the contemporary youth as well and more and more t-shirts e-store are opting for custom tshirt design software. So if you have a killer idea about a particular design try to shop for a t-shirt online and personalise it with the customisation software provided just the way you want.

Here are some tips to customise and create fabulous designs on t-shirts. Just read on.

Explore the Concept - You should sketch the t-shirts, take a break and create certain variations. After going out for a walk or eating something you should go for a full brain-storming session. Then sleep on it. If this comes to you straight then it is great, but you should explore other creative options just in case.

Define the Budget and Quantity - It may take some time to get to the actual designing. In order to control your anxiety you should settle some details first so that you can focus on your design better and this includes the budget and quantity. On the basis of your printing method, the added colours may cost you more. That is why if your budget is tight you should cut up on the colours. Prior to designing or printing you should plan your budget accordingly. The number of custom t shirts shirts you need will influence your method of printing. Some methods are ideal for small orders with higher cost per shirt while others are great for bulk orders.

Keep the Things Simple and Don't Forget the Details - Attention to detail is something that is appreciated by all. What is better than a really well-executed masterpiece on a tee that can be studied for hours! But, in the same way, some of the most popular and classic t-shirts are those that get the message through in the simplest way. If you remain anywhere in the middle you may struggle to succeed in delivering the message.

Prepare Your Artwork in the Right Way- At the time of screen-printing, you should use the best kind of colours. You should outline the text and expand the strokes that you have. The software that you purchase will provide ample tutorials and you can also find the tutorials on the internet if you have any doubt.

Sense of Humour Should be Subtle - If you are thinking of going for a funny t-shirt you should not want it as a cheap and low-cost joke shirt. Even the most in-your-face funny designs consist of subtle humour. If done in the right way humour can turn heads.

Posted by mylesltpy016 at 9:17 AM EDT
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10 Apps to Help You Manage Your t shirt lyrics

There are some pick up lines that are not useful and still are highly overrated. These lines do not actually work unless the girl you are trying to woo is just too desperate. These lines should only work to start a conversation. The lines should not sound like you just need a physical pleasure from the girl or are trying to flirt with the girl. These lines should help in starting a friendly conversation and share a laugh with her. There are no set standard pick up lines. It is just a way of starting a conversation with another lady. To help you avoid any embarrassing moments here is a list of worst ten pick up lines that do not work and in fact leave a bad impression.


This might sound hilarious when you just joking around with your friends but if you try to speak this in front of a girl it will leave a very bad impression n about you.


This though does not sound vulgar but is definitely very outdated. It has been used since ages. If you feel that you are the first one to use this life then you have been living on a different planet.


This is not confidence but over confidence which will embarrass you till the last point on this earth if the girl does not find you pleasing. The girl will never like you underestimating her.

7. "THAT SHIRT'S VERY BECOMING ON YOU. OF COURSE, IF I WERE ON YOU I'D BE COMING TOO." This is just being to direct asking her to join you in your bedroom. Again a very wrong line to start a conversation with.

6. "CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK OR DO YOU JUST WANT THE MONEY?" If the girl you are approaching is a whore or an entertainer, this line might work but if you try it out on custom t shirts some normal girl or a classy girl her sandals will definitely find a new head to target on.

5. "CAN I HAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER? I SEEM TO HAVE LOST MINE." This line is again which some school child might also have used. The girl will be least impressed with you and will find you fake and one who is just not original.

4. "DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK PAST AGAIN?" This line sounds sweet but what makes it bad is that if you are really good-looking you might just win over the girl but if you are not that good looking get ready for the worst embarrassment.

3. "EXCUSE ME; I THINK YOU OWE ME A DRINK."[SHE SAYS, "WHY?"] "BECAUSE WHEN I SAW YOU FROM ACROSS THE ROOM I DROPPED MINE. IT WAS A RUM AND COKE, AND I'M [YOUR NAME]." This line will give you one straight reaction - 'bullsh*t'. Asking something from a girl even in a joke will make you look cheap.

2. "IS YOUR LAST NAME GILLETTE? BECAUSE YOU'RE THE BEST A MAN CAN GET." This will prove you ad knowledge but definitely not help you prove yourself in front of the girl.

1 "DO YOU COME HERE OFTEN?" One answer and the conversation ends - 'NO'. You will have to put your face down and walk away.

Every human on this earth has a strong desire to look good and be admired by one and all. Moreover, if you have to attend a party or any occasion, people would not want to leave any stone overturned to grab the limelight among all the attendees. There are times when people have become the matter of joke and ridicule due to their bizarre dressing sense. On the other hand, there are others who became the epicenter of the whole party because of the way they are dressed.

So, nobody would wants to be in the former situation but achieving the perfect look is a matter of great efforts and hard work. The blog decodes this difficult task in few simple steps.

If you can follow these simple tips, it would be much easier for you to shine like a diamond at a party. So, don't let this opportunity slip out from your hands and be the center stage with these valuable inputs.

Posted by mylesltpy016 at 9:10 AM EDT
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10 Best Mobile Apps for shirts

When it comes to the dating game, most men wonder about what women really want. While different women look for different traits in men, the things that impress most women are excellent grooming, kindness, sincerity, confidence and a great sense of humour.

Confidence is Key

Confidence is a biggie when it comes to figuring out what women find attractive. Most women look for a man who can get things done; someone who knows what he wants and knows how to get it. There is a difference between confidence and cockiness, however, so be careful not to come across as arrogant, and be sure that you can back up what you claim about yourself.

Be her BFF

While romantic gestures and expertise in the bedroom will earn you many brownie points, the importance of being a true friend should not be underestimated. If you want a relationship to last beyond the initial stages of infatuation and wild passion, you will need to be the friend that she can turn to when she needs support and a shoulder to cry on.

Make her laugh

Women like a guy who can make them laugh, and while this doesn't mean that every day should be one big joke; a great sense of humour and a positive attitude is what women find irresistible.

Don't be too intense

Just like men are weary of women who are overly needy, intense, jealous or possessive, women have the same feelings with it comes to men who behave in the same manner. Show her that you care but avoid cramping her style. Make sure that both of you have individual interests outside of the relationship and give each other ample space to breathe.

Look the part, smell the part

The importance of excellent grooming can not be emphasised enough. There is no worse turnoff than a man who smells bad and looks shabby. Look after yourself by adopting a grooming routine that includes good skincare, hair care and oral habits. A sexy scent will also do wonders so invest in some great cologne or use a seductive deodorant or antiperspirant with an irresistible fragrance. When it comes to clothing, women are generally quite critical so don't just wear the same T-shirt every day. Take some time to look at men's magazines and browse through current fashion trends and capitalise on a few good outfits.

Show your passion for life

Men who have a variety of interests and hobbies and who are excited about learning and experiencing new things are irresistible. Be passionate about life, about discovering and trying new things and you will draw her attention, for sure. Oh! And just by the way, this doesn't include playing computer games or watching TV.

By following the above tips, you will have a pretty good idea about what women want. Implement some of this advice and there is no reason why you can't win over that beautiful, confident woman that you've had your eye on.

The new Peugeot 308 is an excellent family car in the city and out on the highways. However, every now and again we get asked advice about driving our cars that surprises us. Recently there has been some interest stirred up regarding the topic of driving topless and whether it's legal or not. Now, this shouldn't be taken as legal advice, but we thought we could put forward our perspective based on the available information.

Actually no, it isn't, we could find no specific information pertaining to the legality of driving a car without wearing a shirt. However, just because no specific law to cover this exists, it doesn't mean that some other law isn't being broken instead. Here in Australia, we have quite specific laws related to obscene exposure in any context. Of course, that also includes driving, now as unfair as it may seem, a topless male is treated differently to a topless female driver. The importance of context here is also extremely important; the intent to expose yourself in a sexual manner could be the difference between a warning or legal problems.

As a driver on our roads, there are specific standards applied to how you behave on the road. Distracting other drivers will land you in hot water if you're caught by the Police, and a fine or even demerits could follow. The laws can vary a great deal across the country, and each state or territory has a slightly different take on obscene take on the matter. However, despite some difference, the underlying legality is simply not in questions. The law may change in how it's applied across the country, but you may still be breaking the law and may be subject to a penalty.

It may also be worth noting that there is no specific information available regarding shirtless driving affect car insurance coverage. However, it may be worth consulting your insurance agreement for clarification, and it could be buried in the small print. In the event of shirts a crash where obscene exposure was a factor, driving shirtless could certainly have some negative consequences, and this may affect how you insure your car in future.

If they are looking for Peugeot 308, Perth based drivers should come and visit us here at Perth City Peugeot. We have an extensive selection of new, ex demo and pre-owned cars available, including the latest Peugeot 308 models. We would like to invite you to join us for a no obligation test drive, and you can try out the 308 for yourself. If you need to finance your car purchase, you will discover that our rates are competitive and we ensure that the repayments are structured to meet your needs. Our sale team is standing by to advice you on the latest new Peugeot 308 prices, and they will be happy to answer any further questions that you may have.

Posted by mylesltpy016 at 5:17 AM EDT
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Why the Biggest "Myths" About t shirt lyrics May Actually Be Right

Most people probably know by now that high levels of unmanaged stress can lead to very serious physical symptoms and illnesses. But did you know that excessive stress can also cause damaging changes in your behaviors too, such as stress eating or self harming? These are just two ways in which people try to stop feeling overwhelmed as stress takes a toll on their lives. But there are many others. Here are my five best tips to stop stress from ruining your life.

Tip #1 Take Small Steps

Question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time!

Just like the joke, if you are faced with an enormous task that seems just too hard to do, break it down into little achievable steps and tackle them one at a time. It's easier to accomplish small goals and doing so will give you a great sense of achievement. And as you finish each small step, you will be moving closer and custom t shirts closer towards your overall goal. One day you will wake up and realize you've actually done the enormous task and how good will that feel?

Tip #2 Be Kind To Yourself

Have you ever heard the saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side"? What this means is that everyone always looks to be better off than you (in whatever way you're thinking about) when see from your perspective, And "falling short" is one way to pile the stress on. So to manage your stress levels in these situations, simply stop comparing yourself to everyone you meet. That way you can never come off worse. And if you don't allow yourself to feel inferior to everyone you meet, you will soon find your confidence starting to soar.

Tip #3 Get a Furry Friend

Stroking a furry animal has been shown to have such beneficial effects on your stress levels and heart health that hospitals allow them in to help patients manage their stress, And research has shown that during a play session with a dog, the owner's and dog's serotonin levels rose and stress levels fell significantly. Pets can give your mood a much needed lift but if you are allergic to fur, don't worry. Any pet, even a goldfish can be a great boost after a hard day. Just make sure you repay your pet's loyalty by looking after it properly.

Tip #4 Laugh More

Laughter is great stress relief. It helps the body to clear the stress hormones and helps to release serotonin. But even if you don't feel like laughing, faking it still works because it still releases "feel good" endorphins. One of the best ways to fake a laugh is to stand with your legs apart, inhale and stretch your arms up over your head. Now bend down to place your hands on the ground. As you do so, exhale, letting out a great big "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha" sound. Return your arms over your head and repeat. I guarantee you'll soon be laughing for real.

Tip #5 Do Some Spring Cleaning

Having too much clutter in your living spaces is depressing for most people. So when you are suffering with too much stress, one of the easiest ways to make yourself feel better is to declutter some part of your home (But see Tip#1). Choose one small area to tackle first, such as your kitchen work surfaces, your desk top, T-shirt drawer or anything that is easy to spot. Focus on it and tidy, clean or throw out things as needed until you have a spacious and relaxing environment where you can relax and unwind and think clearly.

Remember, most daily stresses are temporary. All stress passes in time but you can go a long way to reducing it on a daily basis if you put these stress busting tips into action.

In today's world, the average guy gets the short end of the stick most of the time. Turn on the television and the "reality" shows which are anything but reality portray guys who are obnoxious, over the top, and sometimes outright jerks as being the ones that women want to hook up with. So, if you are an average guy and you are sitting back and watching that kind of thing and you are struggling when it comes to dating... then you might think that the deck is stacked against you. You might think that for a guy like you to be able to attract and seduce women is just wishful thinking.

Well, it does not have to be that way. Truth is, average guys in the real world can do just as well, if not better than those guys you see on television. Why? Because most women, no matter how attractive they might be... are pretty average. And they are living pretty average lives and want pretty average things out of life. So, do not think that you are somehow unable to learn how to attract and seduce women or that it is wishful thinking to want to be able to do just that. It can be done and you can do quite well.

Here are a few tips on how to seduce women for the average guys:

1) Maintain the best appearance that you can when you leave the house.

I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy. You are not going to ever catch me out wearing some super flashy outfit and you know what? I can out pull those guys at the club almost all of the time. You don't have to dress "Hollywood" to get women to want you. You can be a down to earth, t-shirt and jeans kind of guy and still do quite well. What you DO need to do is to make sure that you still look your best in those t-shirts and jeans. Splash on a little cologne to add a little extra "polish."

2) Highlight your down to earth personality.

Most regular guys have a lot more going for them than they think they do. For example, most women when they go out to clubs, they get hit on by the super cheesy, super fake kind of guys. So, when you approach a woman and you DON'T have that kind of attitude... it is a GOOD thing. Highlight that. That is one thing that you definitely have going for you. Don't try and hide it.

3) Crack the occasional joke when talking to a woman.

When women's magazines do their little polls on their readers about what qualities women find sexually attractive in a guy... sense of humor almost always goes to the top of the list. So, when you are talking to a woman, don't be afraid to crack a joke now and again. It will do WONDERS for you, and get you that much closer to closing her.

Posted by mylesltpy016 at 12:54 AM EDT
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Saturday, 3 August 2019
10 Tips for Making a Good shirts Even Better

Most people probably know by now that high levels of unmanaged stress can lead to very serious physical symptoms and illnesses. But did you know that excessive stress can also cause damaging changes in your behaviors too, such as stress eating or self harming? These are just two ways in which people try to stop feeling overwhelmed as stress takes a toll on their lives. But there are many others. Here are my five best tips to stop stress from ruining your life.

Tip #1 Take Small Steps

Question: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time!

Just like the joke, if you are faced with an enormous task that seems just too hard to do, break it down into little achievable steps and tackle them one at a time. It's easier to accomplish small goals and doing so will give you a great sense of achievement. And as you finish each small step, you will be moving closer and closer towards your overall goal. One day you will wake up and realize you've actually done the enormous task and how good will that feel?

Tip #2 Be Kind To Yourself

Have you ever heard the saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side"? What this means is that everyone always looks to be better off than you (in whatever way you're thinking about) when see from your perspective, And "falling short" is one way to pile the stress on. So to manage your stress levels in these situations, simply stop comparing yourself to everyone you meet. That way you can never come off worse. And if you don't allow yourself to feel inferior to everyone you meet, you will soon find your confidence starting to soar.

Tip #3 Get a Furry Friend

Stroking a furry animal has been shown to have such beneficial effects on your stress levels and heart health that hospitals allow them in to help patients manage their stress, And research has shown that during a play session with a dog, the owner's and dog's serotonin levels rose and stress levels fell significantly. Pets can give your mood a much needed lift but if you are allergic to fur, don't worry. Any pet, even a goldfish can be a great boost after a hard day. Just make sure you repay your pet's loyalty by looking after it properly.

Tip #4 Laugh More

Laughter is great stress relief. It helps the body to clear the stress hormones and helps to release serotonin. But even if you don't feel like laughing, faking it still works because it still releases "feel good" endorphins. One of the best ways to fake a laugh is to stand with your legs apart, inhale and stretch your arms up over your head. Now bend down to place your hands on the ground. As you do so, exhale, letting out a great big "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha" sound. Return your arms over your head and repeat. I guarantee you'll soon be laughing for real.

Tip #5 Do Some Spring Cleaning

Having too much clutter in your living spaces is depressing for most people. So when you are suffering with too much stress, one of the easiest ways to make yourself feel better is to declutter some part of your home (But see Tip#1). Choose one small area to tackle first, such as your kitchen work surfaces, your desk top, T-shirt drawer or anything that is easy to spot. Focus on it and tidy, clean or throw out things as needed until you have a spacious and relaxing environment where you can relax and unwind and think clearly.

Remember, most daily stresses are temporary. All stress passes in time but you can go a long way to reducing it on a daily basis if you put these stress busting tips into action.

In today's world, the average guy gets the short end of the stick most of the time. Turn on the television and the "reality" shows which are anything but reality portray guys who are obnoxious, over the top, and sometimes outright jerks as being the ones that women want to hook up with. So, if you are an average guy and you are sitting back and watching that kind of thing and you are struggling when it comes to dating... then you might think that the deck is stacked against you. You might think that for a guy like you to be able to attract and seduce women is just wishful thinking.

Well, it does not have to be that way. Truth is, average guys in the real world can do just as well, if not better than those guys you see on television. Why? Because most women, no matter how attractive they might be... are pretty average. And they are living pretty average lives and want pretty average things out of life. So, do not think that you are somehow unable to learn how to attract and seduce women or that it is wishful thinking to want to be able to do just that. It can be done and you can do quite well.

Here are a few tips on how to seduce women for the average guys:

1) Maintain the best appearance that you can when you leave the house.

I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy. You are not going to ever catch me out wearing some super flashy outfit and you know what? I can out pull those guys at the club almost all of the time. You don't have to dress "Hollywood" to get women to want you. You can be a down to earth, t-shirt and jeans kind of guy and still do quite well. What you DO need to do is to make sure that you still look your best in those t-shirts and jeans. Splash on a little cologne to add a little extra "polish."

2) Highlight your down to earth personality.

Most regular guys have a lot more going for them than they think they do. For example, most women when they go out to clubs, they get hit on by the super cheesy, super fake kind of guys. So, when you approach a woman and you DON'T have that kind of attitude... it is a GOOD thing. Highlight that. That is one thing that you definitely have going for you. Don't try and hide it.

3) Crack the occasional joke when talking to a woman.

When women's magazines do their little polls on their readers about what qualities women find sexually attractive in a guy... sense of humor almost always goes shirts to the top of the list. So, when you are talking to a woman, don't be afraid to crack a joke now and again. It will do WONDERS for you, and get you that much closer to closing her.

Posted by mylesltpy016 at 6:32 PM EDT
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