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Flea control and removal in the Brisbane

Fleas can cause great irritation to their victims by inflicting many bites. They are not significant vectors of human disease but are an unwanted visitor in your home or business. The My Home Pest Control can help to eradicate the problem.

Silverfish removal in the Brisbane

Silverfish are primitive looking creatures and are a very ancient insect. Humidity is a key part in their survival especially at the nymphal stages. They are nocturnal in habitat and hide during the day making infestations harder to spot. The signs of a problem include damage to wallpaper, wallpaper paste, textiles and occasionally to books stored in damp areas. Treatment involves removing any infested commodities and then the application of residual insecticide to the affected area. The My Home Pest Control can provide an effective solution to help eradicate silverfish.

Cockroach extermination in the your home

Cockroaches can transport and transmit disease to humans. They live in warm, humid, temperature controlled conditions such as hospitals and kitchens. They have also been known to live near humans, to eat human faecal matter and infected material. They are extremely mobile creatures and can easily crawl from sewers and drains through to broken taps and pipework. This illustrates their massive potential as spreaders of pathogens (disease) to humans. It has been proven that when controlled the risk of gastro-entric disease is greatly reduced. It has also been indicated that cockroaches, as well as other insects, can be responsible for allergies in humans. The My Home Pest Control can work to effectively remove the creature but also to ensure the whole infested area is thoroughly cleaned and any dead insects are removed.