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Alluc is one of the best sites I ever use when looking for videos, movies and any other films. It’s easy to use and very convenient in many ways. And now they even have better browsing functions because they have improve, upgrade and modified as video search engine. 

Having this improvement helps a lot in searching for videos. Few changes and some new buttons are added in the site. They have separate page of streaming and downloading links and they have millions of videos and download links to choose from. And I think they have even expanding their connections with other sites to provide viewers like me a suitable viewing pleasure. They have a decent video links and download links making them great for viewers and visitors alike. It’s just like using Google, input the words click stream or download and they will automatically gives your every video they have in every site they hosted. They have millions of video links plus millions of download links making them so good to use. If you go to their site you will see the sites they hosted and beside it are the number of videos or downloads they have and providing the main Alluc site. Seeing their improvement and seeing the big different in their site it means that they really outdone their selves in this past few years. Browsing their new site I found some interesting buttons like the latest and the trending button and I will say that this will really help and be a big asset to the site. Imagine giving me the latest and the trending videos all in one site, I don’t need to browse some more. Adding to the page is the sorting, sorting the names alphabetically and sorting the day and time is really cool and fantastic. I would really like everyone to try the site and be the one to tell and comment on the site. Alluc certainly made a great job; you can even go back to the old Alluc site with just one click. I just wish they can stay long enough to do lot more to others.

Maybe some are not contented with the site but for me this is one of the best sites I ever stumbled on. They even have a discussion page and will be a big help for the people who’s looking for a great video to watch. Visitors can even say what on their mind in some videos and even in the site.