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To make a heading use this formula:

<h1> ........... </h1>

Or to make a smaller heading like "The wonderful world of colors" use the formula:

<h2> ... </h2> or < h3> ... </h3> and so on until you get to heading 6, the smallest. 

In this, I'm practicing everything I learned in HTML school. This is my first paragraph, and that was my first heading.

To make a paragraph use the following Formula:

<p> ... <p>

To make an Ordered List is easy, just do what you always do:

<ol> which means ordered list

<li> Which means list item

<li> and so on, until the desired number of items is set.

Here I will make a list

  1. Learn what HTML is.
  2. Learn how to use HTML.
  3. Use HTML

    The Wonderful World of Colors

    To make a specific word(s) change colors, the use the following formula:

    <font color= ###### >   ....... </font>

    Changing colors is an easy process, you just have to know how.

    Make sure to always end the color font with </font>

    Now the Back ground color

    The Back ground color is easy to Make, just use my formula!

    <Body BGcolor= ######>

    So do you understand?

    Radio Buttons

    What is a radio Button? It's a a circle you can darken! But you can only darken one, so choose carefully! Is this a radio button?

    Click Here!

    Don't get it wrong!

    Hurry up!

      Is it right!

    Now, to make a radio button use the following formula: 

    <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME=_______ VALUE=_______>  (Make sure to fill in the blanks!)

Forms, Forms, Forms!

Now to make a box like this is a little complicated, but just use my next Formula:




<TEXTAREA NAME="comment" ROWS=6 COLS=40>

<input type= submit>


Check boxes!

Checkboxes, almost the same thing as Radio buttons but you can click on as many as you like! Go ahead, I know you want to! 

I want to learn HTML

I want to learn it bad!

Please teach me check boxes!

I'm learning!

The Drop Down Box!

A Drop Down box is a simple and complex form, that is both fun, and easy to operate. Heres one for you to sample!


You can press it if you want. Now, to make it use this formula:

<SELECT NAME="Favorite Color" SIZE="1">

This is to know if you understood this tutorial so I can better it in the future. Please submit what you think! Thanks.