How To Create A Free Video

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To create a good video a kind of art and you need to a software there are many free software available on internet by using that you can create a video but a software name is ”Camtasia” is free software and also suggested by many webmasters and I also suggest you to download this software what you need to go to Google and type the keyword “download Camtasia free” and you have to select a website and download and installed it and it is very easy to use not need any type of experience what you need to just open this software and start making a video to you desktop or computer it generally record your screen video and your voice and you need to plug headphone in there so that it record your voice. So how can you make a better video? First you have to select the limit of information means that what you want to teach into your video and start getting the knowledge on that topic if you have already knowledge on that topic then it is ok and you have to write first on Microsoft word office and teach them and then lead them to show into your browser for example you have a topic like “keyword, keyword stuffing and how to find a keyword” what you need to write few about this like you write how to find a keyword then open your browser and show that as you write this is an art to making a video and after make a video you have to upload at free video uploading website like YouTube and after that you have a post related to this you have to add that video to that post and it will increase the quality of a post.

Dofollow Video sharing website

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You have a video and you want to share that video to share that video? Well it is a good strategy to get the traffic to your video and to your blog as when you share a video then people watch it and when it insert the URL of your blog in there then people click on it and you got the traffic for both as for your video and for your blog it helps you to earn extra income from video sharing because no traffic no money as we know that. What happen if I tell you will get the traffic as well as backlinks to your blog? Yes it is true what you need to search for do follow video sharing website and it will give you the traffic as well as backlinks, as YouTube is no follow by default but also give the backlinks to your website or blog, believe me, I also get the backlinks from YouTube video and from also to do follow video sharing website the important thing you have to remember do not forget to add the website URL into description and it will give you to the traffic as well as backlinks to your blog or website. so how to find do follow video sharing website just go to Google and type the “list of do follow video sharing website” and it will give you the list of all do follow video sharing website choose according to you and start to share your post but remember that do not share your video to porn site it is not good and your video and blog get mark as spam you have to first check the website Alexa rank, domain authority and page authority and then start sharing to your video. As backlinks are very important in off page SEO and video sharing website give you strong backlinks which are very important.

Why Add a Video Into Your Blog

As we know that the video is presentation the audio and video presentation and help to learn people fastly and when add the video into your post then it increase the quality of post and we know that the content is king. It also help to get the quality of backlinks and we only did not focused to backlinks we need a quality of backlinks to our website or blog and it will help to get the organic traffic from search engine. Every blogger start blogging to earn money online and he want to get success in blogging first thing I will tell you to take blogging as seriously and do hard work and I saw the common reason to get failure of many blogger that he have not a patients and that’s why he did not get success in blogging. First thing you have to learn blogging and after that that learn SEO and then HTML and CSS. SEO have two main part on page SEO and off page SEO and creating backlink comes into off page SEO so always create a awesome vide and share it to all dofollow video sharing website as I told you will get the traffic and also traffic. Hope you find this article good for you and let me know in comment if you got any problem or trouble and I will happy to help you and do not forget to like and subscribe my blog to get the daily update also you can follow me by email and you will get he daily update into your email and also share with your friends and social media. I have also a video channel which is Hindi and Urdu you like to watch where I upload lots of video hope you like that video, here is the link of my video channel: