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READ INTEGERS PAGE FIRST Adding,subtracting,multiplying,and dividing fractions are tough.Especialy if they are negatative. They can be easy if you just follow thses steps. ADDING .Get the common denominator .If the signs are the same then keep the sign .add numeraters and dont add denominaters .if they dont have the same sign just add them normally (with the same common demoniater) and put the sign in at the end SUBTRACTION .get the common denominater .subtract numerater .if there is a negative sign and the fraction is bigger than its going to be a negative MULTIPLYING . You dont need a common denominater .multiply the numerater by the numerater .if there is a negative fraction the answer is a negative .If both the fractions are negative then its a positive DIVIDING .You dont need a common denominater .change the dividing sign into a multiplication sign .the second fraction needs to bo changed to the reciplical .if there is a negative fraction in the problem the answer is a negative .if they both are negatives then the answer is going to be a positive