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Welcome to the home of the Momentum Dryer:

The Momentum Dryer is the first real improvement in hooded hair dryer design in the last 80+ years.  The Momentum Dryer has a beautiful design but has an even more beautiful concept that allows it to outperform professional models in every way.  Can you imagine getting your hair dried and enjoying that time???  Can you imagine that drying time being 25 to 30 percent faster???  Can you imagine no hot air being blown into your face while getting your hair done???  Well, you don't need to imagine any more because that dream has become a reality with the Momentum Dryer.

Momentum Dryer Achievements

  • reduces drying time by 25 to 30 percent
  • reduces and almost eliminates hot spots
  • eliminates hot air blown into the user's face
  • promotes healthier hair without split ends and premature breakage
  • dries hair in a more uniform manner
  • creates more profit for salons and gives time back to every day users

We're currently launching a KICKSTARTER campaign as our first public offering to the marketplace.  With KickStarter, you only succeed when you raise 100% or more of your target goal.  We know that there are more than enough individuals that need and desire an option for how they dry their hair for us to meet our goal.  That's the easy part, the hard part is for someone to make the commitment to buy one.  Well, we've made our commitment to you and to our selves.   We'll use the funding from KickStarter to pay for our tooling, molds and marketing.  We'll use the success of the KickStarter campaign to reach out to everyone we can possibly serve. 

We'll use this campaign to build the World's Best Hair Dryer and reach out to every business that wants to provide the Best for their customers.