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About Me

Hi there! So you've found your way to my brand new Web site -- what do you think? This site was created in my Web 101 class at Sessions, an online school of design.

I live in St Catharines, I am a collector of movies, last count I had about 1,600 dvd's. Some of my favorite sports are Hockey, Nascar, UFC, baseball and Football. I hope taking this course and creating my first web site will show me they way to a new career.

Got feedback? Drop me a line at



About This Site

I have added links to some other sites that I use. You will find a video to watch under video in the navagation bar. As I have a big interest in movies I have added a couple of movie pictures and put into a slideshow for you to look at. I was able to make these changes by changing some of the source code This is my first web site, so please let me know what you think.