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Red, Right and Blue





October 17, 2009:




QUOTE of the DAY:

president-obama.jpg Over the last fifteen months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states. I think one left to go.

                                        -President Barack Obama on the Campaign Trail in 2008





Olympia Snowe: Two-Faced Traitorolympia_snowe2.jpg “When History Calls, History Calls.”-Senator Olympia Snowe

Senator Olympia Snowe, longtime member of the Republican Party, has recently given her support to President Barack Obama’s Healthcare Plan (in other words, Healthcare Scheme). Well, well, well. I’ve never really cared for Olympia Snowe and always thought that she might be a little bit crazy, but being a loyal Republican, how could you support the Obama Healthcare Plan? Well, let’s think. She supports legalizing abortion and gay marriage. Doesn’t sound so right to me. So, I’m not so surprised that she supports this Healthcare Plan, but, any loyal member of any party should be smart enough to realize if something is going to help the American people or hurt the American people. With the Obama Healthcare Plan, Americans will lose the freedom to choose what’s in their Healthcare Plan and the freedom to keep your existing plan. That doesn’t sound like a democracy, Senator Snowe, that sounds like Socialism and Government getting into our way when we should have the freedom to choose what we think is best for us. But maybe worst of all, Americans will lose the freedom to choose what doctors you got to. If you know your doctor, trust your doctor and believe that your doctor knows what is best for you, you should be able to see that doctor no matter what. So, President Obama, his corrupt Cabinet and now, apparently, Senator Snowe, support the government standing in your way and telling you what to do because they think its right. If that isn’t Socialism, what is it? It’s not Freedom. America is a Free Country, not a Dictatorship, Senator Snowe, and she should know that. She’s the only Republican to support this Bill.