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Merry Meet!! Thanks for visiting my page. My name is Angel Williamson. I'm 28, married, and living out in the boonies, which I love!! I'm from South Carolina, born and raised. I love nature and all that it encompasses. I am a practioner of the Craft for the last 11 years. It brings peace and balance into my life, and helps me maintain that peace and balance. I am currently trying to get a group together in my area for meets and greets. We are hard to find in South Carolina and having that group to meet others and realize that we're not alone helps and encourages us to keep on the enlightenment train.

Important Websites that Pretain to me!!

MySpace request me as a friend!!
Eastern South Carolina Pagans- myspace group
WitchVox- Great place to find shops and others in your area
AzureGreen - Metaphysical Catalog
