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Bitcoins mining pool will be granted with bitcoins for each correct solution. Mining in pools commence when the possibility of finding a solution becomes hard. When it comes to mining, every individual cannot mine bitcoin in the same speed of other, there can be many reasons like slow system, old hardware etc., and that can be the cause why miners choose mining together in bitcoin mining pool. Bitcoin mining pool is a simple and easy approach of mining more in way, instead of waiting for years to mining few coins in a block, a client having slow mining system may get a fraction of a bitcoin on a more regular ground work. If someone wants to start using bitcoin, is not required to learn the technical details. As every user share is hardware to work for the same cause but the mining done by every system is not equal, so share is prize by the bitcoin mining pool to the clients who present a valid proof of work. It offers instant flat rewards for each and every share that is solved. Bitcoin is structured so that it gets harder and harder to mine bitcoins over time, so there's a huge arms race to build the most hardcore computers dedicated to mining the coins.