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Monday, 25 November 2019
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An offhand remark by President Clinton at a fund-raising dinner in Miami on Tuesday blossomed into a minor diplomatic incident in Washington today.

Mr. Clinton told contributors on Tuesday night that he was eager as a kid with a new toy to meet with Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel this week.

Some in Israel took offense at the remark, considering it flip, disrespectful and, as Shimon Shifer of the daily newspaper Yediot Ahronot put it in a question today, patronizing.

What kind of game do you want to play with Mr. Barak? he asked at a White House news conference.

Mr. Clinton was somewhat taken aback, uncertain what prompted the question.

No, I dont think its patronizing at all; its just the reverse, Mr. Clinton said, describing what he felt was the proper role of the United States in Middle East diplomacy, without addressing the reporters query.

Helpfully, Wolf Blitzer of Cable News Network, explained what Mr. Shifer meant.

Oh, I see, the President said.

Mr. Barak interjected, I believe we are all under urgent need to deal very seriously, not with a tricky interpretation of innocent favorable statements, but by looking into the real problems and focus on solving them.

Undeterred, Mr. Clinton tried to set Mr. Shifer straight.

In English, what that means is that you are very excited, the President said. It has no reference to the Prime Minister. I would never do that. For example, if I were taking a trip to Hawaii, I might say I am excited as a kid with a new toy. It doesnt mean I think Hawaii is a toy, if you see what I mean. It means that, its a slogan, you know, in the way, in American English it means, I am very excited about the prospect of the rejuvenation of the peace process, and thats all it means.

He added: I would never say such a patronizing thing ever. So I thank you. Thank you, Wolf.

Posted by milozwes778 at 10:04 PM EST
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