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The history of Haitian Immigration
The graph of Haitian Immigration

1920-1930 Members of middle class starting migrating during the US occupation.

1950-1960 Soon after Francois Duvalier (papa doc) became president of Haiti a large number of Haitian seek safer in the USA.

1971 Jean Claude Duvalier (baby doc) was Succeeded his father,the Haitian people still seek for safer in USA.

1986 Jean Claude Duvalier (baby doc) has stepped down to the power in Haiti .Most of the Haitian were believed in a better life.

1986-1990 A large number of Haitian left Haiti for security problem.

1991-1994 Period of Military Rule,thousands of Haitians fled the country ,mostly by boat.

1994-2001 Economic Problem,the Haitian population left Haiti to go anywhere specially in USA.

2002-2006 Economic Politic the number of Haitian immigrant has touched his highest level in the history.



Haitian compas(sometimes written as Compas Direct, konpa direk, konpa, or kompa) is a musical genre as well as a dance that originates from Haïti. It was named Compas Direct by Nemours Jean-Baptiste on a recording released in 1955.


In this photo there is rice and beans. Pink salad,which is similar to potato salad, but has beets which turns it pink. Baked macaroni. Fried plaintains. Fried chicken and pork. Green salad. Sauce and piklis, which is similar to coleslaw without the mayonaise, but its also very spicy.


Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti,but voodoo may be considered the country's national religion.The majority of Haitian believe in and practice at least some aspects of voodoo.Most voodooists believe that their religion may coexist with Catholicism.Most protestants,however,strongly oppose voodoo.


Ronald Agenor

Jacques Stephen Alexis


Jean-Bertrand Aristide: The first President elected democratically in Haiti history.

Rose Anne Auguste

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Marleine Bastien

Garcelle Beauvais

Esther Boucicault

Emmanuel "Manno" Charlemagne

Marie Chauvet

Coupe Cloue

Edwidge Danticat

Jean-Jacques Dessalines: The father of the Haitians nation.

Jean Dominique

Francois Duvalier:The Haitian dictator in the late 20th century.

Tyrone Edmond

Hector Hyppolite

Wyclef Jean : The Haitian-American hip hop star.

Martha Jean-Claude

Emeline Michel

Sweet Micky

Michel Molaire

Felix Morisseau-Leroy

Raoul Peck

Charlemagne Peralte

Gerard Pierre-Charles

Yvonne Hakim Rimpel

Jacques Roumain

Manno Sanon

Maurice Sixto

Toussaint Louverture: He was an important leader of the Haitian revolution.

Loune Viaud

Claudette Werleigh

Mathieu Eugene: The First Haitian born to be elected as councilman in New York.

Ertha Trouillot: The First woman president in Haiti.

Lesly Francois Manigat