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It might, even an esteemed architectus working

He felt the knife slice through fresh tissue as the imobiliare bucuresti attacker ripped it out while falling to the floor. He looked up as the door flung open. What in Hades goes on here? yelled a voice. This voice Vital recognized. The innkeeper stepped into the room, flanked by his two mive sons. Help us! Vital yelled. Attackers! The three arrivals needed no urging. In a flurry of dark motion, they counterattacked. Vital sta on top of Tegridia. Seconds later the innkeeper's wife appeared in the doorway, the look on her face made ever fiercer by the harsh light of the torch in her hand. Vital watched as one of the attackers, tall but covered completely by a robe, slapped her aside and shot through the open door. I have one, shouted one of the innkeeper's sons. By the wife's light, Vital could see the aftermath of the intrusion, just as a third ailant jumped to freedom out the open window. ~ ~ ~ O saints, preserve us. Saints preserve us, the innkeeper chattered. This evil act shames my house. Sir, oh sir. Are you hurt? A guest known to the king himself and honored by many, aulted in my house. I will not forgive myself-- Are you safe? Vital asked Tegridia, rolling off her body. She gave him the slightest nod and then pressed her hand to the side of his face. Her lip was bleeding enough to be noticeable. And you, my brave husband? Some minor poke in the shoulder is all, Vital said, then asked the innkeeper, Have you a bit of cloth to press against it? The innkeeper's wife retrieved a length of cloth, peeled Vital's chemise off without asking, and wrapped bucuresti him back imobiliare bucuresti to front with cloth in a crisscross fashion. You are sliced but good, sir. The beast did you the kindness of using a sharp blade at least. It will sch itself back together, that I have no doubt. Thank you, good woman, he replied after she had completed her ministrations. He slipped his chemise back on and turned to face the lone captive, whom the two burly sons had pinned to the wall. He first ripped the layers of black cloth that masked the imobiliare bucuresti face. It was not a face he recognized, and when he shot the innkeeper a questioning glance, the man shook his head. But he had seen the type before. It was one of those faces never touched by joy or hope or softness of any kind. Explain yourself. Who sent you? Vital said. The man stood mute and without expression, other than some slow exercise of his thin black eyebrows. He held Vital's stare, long and intensely enough to convince Vital this wasn't the first time he had engaged in violent affairs. As their eyes remained locked, the captive slowly worked his mouth into a tight-lipped smile. Take hold of his hair and keep his head still, Vital told the innkeeper, who responded with a relish that belied his age. Vital retrieved the knife from his boot near the bed and held it out high and horizontally, guiding it toward the captive's mouth. I give you one more chance to speak. The man responded by increasing the curve of his smile. His suion confirmed, Vital moved his blade closer, closer, until he slid the tip of the knife between the ailant's lips. The man kept his eyes fixed on Vital's and moved not a muscle in his face. We have a professional on our hands, Vital said. A professional, sir? the innkeeper asked. A hired in. And he will