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Lawyers make their career from persuading other people. Like a game of chess, they must always stay two steps ahead. As they say, first impressions count. They must have a strong opening statement and provide a solid presentation to the jury or bench trial. 

Anticipating objections and choosing proper witnesses is all part of the game. Whether they are convincing a judge or jury that a defendant is guilty or they are defending the position of their own client, one thing is for sure: they have to be convincing. The success of an attorney's case is due to their ability to persuade others.

They must know your audience and be a visual story-teller. You must know cater your approach to each jury member. They must be reasonable while also playing into other emotions. Finding a balance is absolutely key to a successful verdict. The psychology and ability to relate to others directly correlates to with their ability to connect and relate with those on a bench trial or jury. Leveraging and adjusting your approach on the fly is often crucial to communicating and presenting your story.

Present your theme and keep in mind you are talking to the "common man". Medical terms are often confusing to many outside of the medical and law field as well as court reporting in miami and can cause you to lose momentum when story-telling. Be sure to use lay-mans terms when discussing details of your case. A great theme should always have a great momentum. Organize your facts in a way that allows you to introduce them properly in a a seamless fashion. 

Do not be afraid to talk directly to your jury. Example; "I just ask you to do what you feel is right in your heart of hearts". This establishes a connection directly as you are talking to them and not at them.

Remain confident and talk slowly. It is recommended to talk in 140-155 words per minute. Keep in mind that the average speaker in normal conversation speaks at a rate of 105–145 wpm. Pacing is key as you do not want to lose their attention though you also do not want them to only catch every other word.

Do your homework. When in depositions record the transcript with court reporting in miami so that you may go back to there testimony at any given time.

Practice makes perfect. Explore these techniques and they will eventually become second nature.