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Do you crawl into bed worn out, assuming you’d snooze off in seconds, only to find yourself still wide awake one hour later? Or maybe you wake up several times throughout the night even though you do not have trouble falling asleep quickly. If you answered yes to either question, you may be dealing with insomnia.

How to have a good night's sleep

Adhere to a sleeping schedule - Individuals who keep a consistent sleep and wake time schedule throughout the week tend to slumber off more easily and stay asleep long enough to feel refreshed in the morning.Only use your bedroom for sleep and sex - If you read e-books, watch TV, work or eat in your bedroom, it may be time to correct these habits so you can have a more restful sleep.

Hit the sack if you are tired - If you hit the bed when you’re not yet tired, you will only make your mind even more awake if you force yourself to sleep. If you can’t fall asleep yet, try doing something that can help you relax or become sleepy in another room and then hit the sack when you’re ready to sleep.

Limit use of devices that emit blue light - Tablet computers, laptop computers, smart phones, and televisions emit blue light which messes up your system's biological clock. Blue light is beneficial while the sun is up because it enhances attention, reaction times, and mood. But when used for several hours at night, it can keep you awake or disrupt your sleep. For more information about white noise machine and how to have a restful sleep every time please click here.

Steer clear of heavy meals, caffeinated drinks, liquor and nicotine - Caffeinated drinks and nicotine when taken after noontime can cause sleeping difficulties. Despite the fact that alcohol can make you drowsy in the beginning, it can also cause you to wake up frequently at night which results to a tired feeling the next morning.

Hide bedroom clocks - The less aware you are of the time, the better your sleep will be. You can set your alarm to awaken you as per your schedule, but stash away your wristwatches, phones, and other clocks.

Make use of a white noise machine - These products emit white noise or sounds from nature mask disturbance, like your spouse's snoring and other noise from your environment. The produced sounds are also relaxing so you will have an easier time falling asleep and so you don’t get awakened many times during the night.