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British Metal

Death Metal

Doom Metal

Folk Metal

Glam Metal

Gothic Metal

Industrail Metal

Speed Metal

Symphonic Metal

Thrash Metal

Black Metal

Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy-metal. It often employs fast tempos, shrieked vocals, highly distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, double-kick drumming, and unconventional song structure.

During the 1980s, certain thrash metal bands established a prototype for black metal. This so-called First Wave included bands such as Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost. A Second Wave emerged in the early 1990s, which consisted primarily of Norwegian bands such as Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Immortal and Emperor. This scene developed the black metal style into a distinct genre.

Black metal has been met with considerable hostility from mainstream culture, mainly due to the misanthropic and anti-Christian ideology of many artists. Additionally, some musicians have been associated with church burnings,murder and/or National Socialism. For these reasons and others, black metal is often viewed as an underground form of music.


1st wave.

Venom,Bathory,Hellhammer,Celtic Frost,Bulldozer,Death SS, Tormentor,Blasphemy

2nd wave

Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Enslaved, Emperor, Thorns, Ildjarn, Gorgoroth, Ulver, Carpathian Forest , Dummir Borgir