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Metabolic Cooking: A New Plan

Diet plans have come and gone. Some of these plans have been entirely useless and incapable of weight loss. Some are capable of causing weight loss, but are so unpleasant and tasteless that they require more discipline than many people are willing to give. 

But a new plan, known as metabolic cooking, is attempting to bridge the gap between a successful diet plan, and a method that regular would actually stick to. 

The Details 

Metabolic cooking is a plan offered by Katherine Losier and Dave Ruel, who have together worked together to make recipes which are not just effective at fat burning, but are also meals people are willing to eat and enjoy. For $49, they provide about 250 recipes, and various other materials to help users eat on a budget and healthy. They also offer web-based information including shopping lists. 

The Benefits 

One of the problems they claim is that other diet plans require purchase of expensive ingredients. The metabolic cooking program makes a point to include ingredients that can be found in local grocery stores. Also, the creators are do not appear to push more stuff to sell. They appear to really want people to have all the tools they need to lose weight. Costs are kept relatively low by offering ebooks, rather than paper books, which must be manufactured and shipped. The creators also vary their offerings, ranging from from red meat recipes, to vegetarian, and even snacks. 

The authors appear to really enjoy good food, and realize better than most that tasty food is a benefit of life in general. By offering a plan which includes good food, the authors provide a good chance for normal people to succeed.