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I've had the gift for as long as I can remember. Some of my family thought I was weird, but I was always right on the money. Other members of my family also have the gift especially my daughter.Archangel Micheal is always with me and he is my guide and protector. I have done readings and cleansed houses with 100% accuracy. My goal is to provide strength, guidence, purpose, and direction to those in need. I also want to remove negative energy which constantly surrounds us all. I am a caring, giving, and loving person and there isn't anything I won't do for people. I often put others before myself. I am a very religious and spiritual person and there is a difference. Many people don't know that but, I am both. Beside God, my family comes first. We hold our ethics, values, and morals at the top of our list. Thank you for visiting my website and may God and the Angels forever be with you. 
