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CISB 11 is a class I took this summer in which I learned a plethora of information in regards to computer systems and internet usage.  I have always felt very comfortable around computers and enjoy exploring the programs and word processing.  For my previous employment I used Microsoft Access daily so that topic was a familiar one.  I felt the class was very interesting and although I have worked with computers for a long time now I had never explored some of the areas  or topics we learned about during this six week summer course.  I did feel that this was a crash course with the abundance of information to learn in such a short time.  I work full time and also have a family to support and working on these assignments when I get home has been tiring but very rewarding.  I am very close to obtaining my degree with a major in business which the completion of this course allows me to do.  I have found the following topics especially interesting and have found I have either utilized them daily now or will be in the future.  Those topics are, google docs, linux, code of ethics, and networking.

I had never used Google docs before.  I think it’s a fantastic program to be able to access your documents anywhere anytime as long as you have an Internet connection going.  The ability to easily post and share and email your docs without having to use an email client such as Microsoft outlook or yahoo mail is not only convenient it’s makes everything more efficient and streamlined.

After learning about Linux I will dig out my old computers and attempt to install the Linux operating system to see how it compares to current windows as well as possibly making it a home server for all of my family to use.  I had only heard about Linux in the past and I had not understood it as I do now and I’m really looking forward to installing it in the near future.

The code of ethics from the ACM topic was very enlightening. After comparing it to the association of professional journalists I had never realized the vast difference in the two, as well as the hypocrisy in the journalists code of ethics.  There is such blatant disregard for these codes it seems a little funny to me that they even make them public.  

Networking as stated before I’m looking forward to implementing the Linux system as a home server therefore establishing our own personal home network.  This will be a place where my wife can store her pictures, my sons can store their YouTube videos, and I can store my music.  These files are always the ones that we end up deleting or moving someplace else because we are running out of room here or there.  

I had always fancied myself as being pretty computer savvy but after going through the exercises presented in this class I have found myself becoming more and more interested in a subject I thought I already knew.