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We have revolutionized the old fashion smoking. Merkassi Cigarettes taste and feel like most normal cigarettes you're used to. They contain (Unlike electronic cigarettes) nicotine and flavor. Unlike ordinary cigarettes, Merkassi cigarettes do not contain tobacco therefor they do not create the smelly harmful smoke that will KILL you over time. Merkassi uses a revolutionary water vaporizing technique which simulates the smoke that cigarettes create. The water vapor is so realistic that in the mix with nicotine output and the flavor, the smoking experience created is ironically so close to smoking an actual tobacco filled cigarette that comes shocking to smokers who have tried the product. 


Using Merkassi Cigarettes can actually help quite smoking ordinary cigarettes. You no longer need to carry your cigarette pack everywhere making sure you would never accidentally leave it behind in your car, home or office. Ordinary cigarettes are full of tar and many chemicals known to actually be deadly such as arsenic while our product is smokeless and completely free of tar. 

When trying to quite with patches, you are supplying your body with nicotine but most smokers are less addicted to nicotine than the habit of lighting a cigarette, blowing the smoke out and ashing. 90% of smokers have their own creation and ways of inhaling and blowing out the smoke which adds to the personality you create from smoking cigarettes. This is why in some cases when people quit, they experience loss of personality. 

Simple mathematics. By choosing our product over ordinary cigarettes, you will over time save money, your health and the health of people around you. 

Imagine full smoking experience without setting off a single fire alarm. Now you can have the NO SMOKING room. You can even smoke in airplanes. While supplying your body with nicotine and the smoking pleasure, our product creates no nasty smells and dust hence why It can be smoked everywhere.