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Medical Massage NYC
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Knee Replacement - Fast Track Healing In Progress

Here I sit in my New Jersey back yard, 12 days post-op recovering from recent total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. My doctors view my recovery as remarkably fast, however I knew I would mend speedily and with minimal discomfort.

Just 48 hours out of rehab and I only need one crutch! The usual progression is walker to double crutches then single crutch followed by a cane then your own to legs.

I'll be strutting on my own two feet soon then the next step is to start training for 4th degree black belt.

How did I do it?

Here's a  Brief List:

PRE-OP: I've been very physically active (22 years karate, personal trainer, weight training enthusiast etcetera).  My body was still strong from a muscle/skeletal perspective.

Nutritionally speaking - my vegetarian diet is high in anti-oxidants which are essential for healing and boosting my immune system.

As an additional precaution, I received intravenous ozone therapy to boost my immune system.  I plan on resuming ozone treatment to address rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

24-HOURS POST OP: I began gentle lymphatic drainage massage to reduce swelling. This greatly improved my comfort level and reduced the need for pain medication considerably.

NUTRITIONAL POST-OP: July turned out to be the perfect time of year for fresh cherries, blueberries, watermelon which are potent anti-inflammatory foods. Gimme doubled portions! Breakfast this morning consisted of a bowl of crisp red and yellow cherries (bing and rainier) and juicy red watermelon. I make a lip smacking cool smoothie later (frozen cherries, blueberries, soy milk, maple syrup, and avocado slice).

PHYCHOLOGICAL OUTLOOK: As I continue with often grueling physical therapy, two key phrases keep running through my head

-  "This too shall pass" and "This will feel so much better when it's over!"

I look forward sharing the fruits of my labor with my clients at Much Kneaded Massage and to getting back into teaching karate with the awesome women and teens of the Women's Center Karate Club.



Posted by medicalmassagenyc at 3:34 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, July 12, 2009 4:56 PM EDT
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