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What You Should Know About Surgical Abortion

There are two ways of conducting an abortion. You can have it by means of medication or by surgery. Both methods are safe. During the early weeks of pregnancy, you can perform an abortion through medication. However, if your pregnancy has progressed past eight weeks, medical abortion cannot be performed anymore. In this case, can you still terminate your pregnancy? Yes, you can, through surgical abortion.

Types of Surgical Abortion

Here are some of the most common methods of abortion that doctors use on a patient who is already more than eight weeks pregnant:

  1. Manual Vacuum Aspiration: Manual vacuum aspiration is one of the most common types of surgical abortion that doctors use in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. In this method, the doctor will administer local anaesthetic to the cervix. A long tube with a suction device at the end will be inserted into your cervix until it reaches your uterus. After that, the contents of your uterus will be vacuumed out. The surgical procedure is short, it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
  2. Dilation and Curettage: This is one of the safest types of surgical abortion. The procedures used to prepare the cervix are similar to the MVA. When the cervix is ready, the doctor will scrape the embryo off the uterine wall. In some cases, doctors will also use a cannula to suction any remaining content in the uterus. The procedure is also short and may be completed within 10 minutes.

The Advantage of Surgical Abortion

One of the major advantages of surgical abortion over medical abortion is the time required to complete the treatment. Medical abortion needs you to take medicine dosage over a couple of days and so it takes 2-3 days to complete, whereas surgical abortion only takes minutes.

Another advantage of surgical abortion is that it requires fewer visits in the clinic for follow up checkups. Usually, it will only take you a maximum of three or four hours. This means that the time that you need to spend away from work is less. Furthermore, this will allow you to save money from travel expenses and loss of income while taking a leave from work. Thus, if you want your abortion to be completed faster, it would be advantageous to go for surgical abortion.

You can visit our official website at in case you would like to know more about GCAUS medical pregnancy terminationand surgical pregnancy termination options.