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How come they are doing that? We will discover some of its benefits. 

 1. Consumer attention is shifting to videos now. Let’s check out YouTube, the world’s second largest Online Search Engine after Google. Every single day, you can find a minimum of one million YouTube users generating millions of view count. YouTube reports their mobile video consumption rises by 100% each and every year. Your buyers are already moving to videos, shouldn’t you follow also to have their attention? 

 2. Explainer videos provide greater clarity. A photograph speaks a thousand words. explainer video speaks one thousand words 90% in the information that is transmitted into the brain is visual. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster from the brain than text.


 Visual images enhance our learning because it is easier to comprehend and we retain the information longer. Thus, it is actually quicker to convey your message through corporate video production and even more importantly, people remember it. 

3. Stories improve direct sales. People are emotional creatures. They are decisions emotionally, not logically. For this reason storytelling is really an effective tool. It requires moving images, voices, and tonality, which creates an emotional connection between your brand and your consumers. It really is very likely the consumers will buy into you as videos make it easier for any people to digest the knowledge consequently making you appear more convincing and trustworthy. 

 4. Relatively low priced. Unlike common belief, the price of online video marketing is pretty low. low priced explainer videos The material of the videos is often repurposed into a number of channels. Exactly the same video content may be used on video web host, social networking channels, as well as email newsletter! Moreover, top social media marketing channels, e.g. Facebook, now favour video content. It really is simpler to reach for your customers who are now spending 9 hours normally on these social networking platforms. Social networking platform can be another great tool for viral marketing. Let’s take Facebook as one example. Facebook has 1.7 billion active users, and Facebook makes it easy to discuss videos. If your video captures people’s attention, your products or brand can reach to a minimum of 100 million potential consumers easily. 

 5. Videos boost SEO. Videos attract more traffic which is simpler to help your page appear while watching search engine. Pages with video are 53 times prone to show on Google first page. Google search engine favours quality content over keywords. In reality, it works so well that people have had been able to rank ourselves at the top in the search engines search engine rankings for “Explainer Video Singapore”! We are also ranked on page one for other keywords connected with “Animation”. That’s the powerful impact that videos can have for your personal SEO! Explainer Video Singapore Since high-quality video content can boost your SEO result, how would you create it? Research shows the attention span on the website is focused on 8 seconds. You need to do realise that YouTube allows the audience to select “Skip Ads” after 5 seconds right? Therefore the first 5 seconds is regarded as the critical for your audience to make a decision if they should continue to watching your video. Obviously, the recording itself should not be too much time. The recommended time range is between 1 to 2 minutes, ample that you can narrate a captivating story with the necessary business details.

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