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 this is maygamer. were it's your choise! but there it a cupel of rules. but not to meny. i am not bad when it comes to rules. so you can not sware, or talk bad. because there is a chat rume. there is some games on here. well why would i call it maygamer if there were no games on it. i am loveing this website already. even thoe i am the one makeing it. i love makeing nwebsites. i have so meany of them i cant even rember all of them. but i am makeing them all on the same website. i should aver tize it beings so they are leting me make a free website. it is cold so you should go to it some time and make a website. it is fun and if you make a curtin one you mite be fames. now i  am just jokeing. but makeing a website is fun i can tell you that. if you like computers then you should go there and make a website. like i sed it's free. i now i love it. i now some people love coputers. and i am one of them. and i amonly 11 years old and i can tipe really fast. i started with one of those computers that are for teaching kids to use a competer. you now that if you try hard onanof you can learn how to use a computer. and you have to have fathe in your self. but i did when i started to use a computer. well this website is new so it will be like a talk show for a while. i hope people dont mind. but it is a good thing thoe because the people need to get uset to the website. like the rules. and every thing you now. well i would be happy if this was like every website. well i think that it doesent matter what other people think because that is my thot. i bet you would fill the same way. but ya never now right. well i think i am right. do you. well that is a nother reasen why you should e-mail me so you can tell me what is on your mind. that would be good i could help you with a lot of things. i bet you be saprized with all the things i can help you with. spiely at this age. because i am good with that cind of stuff. are you that is a nother good reasen to e-mail me. because there is a lot of things that you should e-mail me for. i will be willing to help you with my e-mail adress is but you should e-mail me for a lot of good reasens. i cant emagen all the things i can help you with. you should help people with stuff to. but not the bad things. even i dont help people with bad things but i uset to. boy i sure do love  this website i am makeing. and the website iam makeing it on is cool to. you should tell your freinds about this site. and the site i am makeing it on. ok? i bet you love haveing a website. but you have to now html. and i did not go to school for it i learnd it on my own. you have to be good at computers to learn html on your own. because my dad did not even now it onteel he took classes for it and that is onusewule for my dad. and he was older then me when he learned html. boy i can tell you i love makeing websites. and my dad is makeing a website for me and my brother. well if i new i could do it on my own i would of doen it for us. because he is a EMS so he does not have the time to finish it. because he is going to difrent states all the time. so i am lucky if i see him at least onec  a month in a year. i probely see him about 20 times a year. wich i do not like because i just want to spend the time with him more. if i could i would make it so that there was now work and now school and that we would get money for nothing and i would make it so that me and my hole family to live in the same house has me. but it does not go like that :( and if you want to be freinds with me on  send me a freind recuest my name on it is damien delfosse. ok? i would like you to send me one. if you want to that is.