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Hand Powered Carpet Sweeper


Whirr, whirr went the CARPPET SWEEPER, cutting a swath through the spilled dog food, unveiling the dark gray typical carpet under. The canine glared at the bizarre creature, which was ingesting all his newly acquired snack faster than he could. A territorial, threatening growl escaped from Buster's mouth. He pondered, "What was this beast who dared to steal HIS kibble, after he had so cleverly opened the cupboard, and pawed the bag of dog food until it spilled over with a smack?"

“Woof, woof,” He said, back up away only a little. While this new creature with it's silent whir failed to put the fear of god in him like the dreaded vacuum cleaner, it was still a bit menacing in the way it crawled across the ground and ate up the dog food.

Buster continued to bark at the kibble gobbleing creature. For a couple of seconds, he held his ground and did a half-hearted lunge at the machine, then he scurried into a corner where he sat and contiued to bark furiously. This maneuver failed to have any effect on the machine, as it continued to whir, sweeping up all the kibble before old Buster could gather up the courage to approach it again. The discouraged puppy gave one last half-hearted bark, admitted defeat and lept up onto the sofa; where he wached the creature gobble up every last crumb of his sneaky treat.

“Oh, so now you think you get to lay on the couch after what you did!” Maggie said, directing her talk to her wire haired dog who was watching her from the couch. "You just wiat until I finish cleaning these paw prints you've left!" The canine sat watching Maggie effortlessly cleaning the living room with her new carpet sweeper. What he did not know what that shortly he would be having a bath.