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(Sponsor: Maximum Health LLC Sponsor# 276100)
Optimal Health, Recovery and Anti-Aging

Perform Your Best Naturally.

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(Sponsor: Maximum Health LLC Sponsor# 276100)

  • Glutathione is the most important, most powerful, and the most abundant endogenous anti-oxidant in the body.
  • Vitamin C can donate only 5 electrons. Glutathione can donate 1 million electrons to reduce free radicals. Glutathione is the ONLY antioxidant that can regenerate itself.
  • It is important for cellular Redox Homeostasis to maintain the oxidative levels of all the cells in our body. (Ex. Glutathione is responsible for reducing hemoglobin to the reduced state to carry oxygen.)
  • Glutathione protects against the oxidative stress of the immune system. It allows for the proliferation of immune cells.
  • Glutathione is the master of sequestering free radicals in the body. It is estimated that 6% of daily energy or ATP produced is used to recycle or produce glutathione. You can live longer without food and water than without glutathione.
  • Glutathione is the most important antioxidant to protect the nucleus and the mitochondrial DNA of every cell in the body. It protects against cell death and allows for the increased production of ATP or energy for cell function and vitality.
  • Glutathione is important for protein biosynthesis process. Glutathione is responsible for taking the amino acids from the outside into the cells for biosynthesis.
  • Glutathione is the first line of defense against environmental chemicals and toxins.
  • Oxidized glutathione induces Delta-Wave sleep.
  • GSH recycles Vitamin C, E, and alpha lipoic acid.

Maximum Health L.L.C.
Max International Associate

Owner: Joe Porche

Questions? E-mail:

Phone: 504-491-6181


Maximum Health L.L.C. Max International Associate / E-mail: / Phone: 504-491-6181 / Sponsor# 276100