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Embroidery Digitizing
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Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Embroidery Digitizing Process
Mood:  special
Topic: Embroidery Digitizing

1-     1.  Firstly the digitizer must understand the design’s requirements that includes the desired size, type of fabric or garment that is needed to be embroidered. Digitizer should also learn how design should be interpreted, the spaces should be left blank to show the background or be covered up with thread. Most importantly digitizer should also know the specific requirements of stitch to match the existing design.

2-      2. Analyzing the artwork should be the next step of digitizer to check if any editing is required for embroidery or not. Not all logos are designed for print media work good enough for digitizing. Some designs needs modification and some needs simplification to make the design more clear, either by eliminating the outer lines or by making the smaller text enlarged.

3-     3.  After the modification in graphics program of the artwork. The file is used, to create a stitch file, as a template in embroidery program. Then the pathing is decided for the design that on which sequence stitching will work from start to finish. It also affect the timings that how long the design will run on machine during the embroidery process.

4-    4.   After setting the sequence digitizer assign the stitch types to each section of the artwork based on types of stitches which will represent the artwork best. From the underlay stitches to cover the large areas with the fill stitches with the consideration that what type of fill stitch to be used in which direction and from where the fill should start and finish in design. While making these decisions digitizer must keep in mind the type of fabric the design will be embroidered on. Design won’t look same on different fabrics, denim will have a denser look, while the same design on the other fabric can allow the stitches to sink on the fabric.

5-     5.  The push and pull of the fabric is also very essential step in digitizing, the digitizer set how the design should move in machine so the large and small areas are covered properly.

6. After making all the arrangements digitizer should run a test to see if any adjustment is needed in the digitizing, to give a perfect embroidered digitizing look to the design/logo.

Posted by maxdigitizing at 1:34 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 November 2018 4:29 PM EST
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Mood:  sharp
Topic: Digitizing

The first thing that comes in mind is what is digitizing? Digitizing is the complex process that is both an art and science. It is the procedure of changing an art work (logo/design) into the advanced digital frame. It is referred to the craft where, the text or an image is transferred or recreated, technically from analog form to digital form, into a stitch file that can embroidery machine sew. Digital form is where data is saved in the form of binary digits.


The logo/design will be allowed by various machines to embroider/stitch repetitively through digitizing software onto various apparels. It can be simple to exceptionally complicated process, depending upon the design and size of the artwork. This activity is as much an art form as it is a science for which skills and creativity are most vital things.


EMBROIDERY DIGITIZING                                                                                                      

It is often misunderstood that embroidery digitizing is graphics designing. It is completely a different process. Special softwares are used to generate codes for the design to be turned into stitches that can be read by embroidery machines. Everything from needle up n down to sew, embroidery machine do is programmed with in the design of your artwork. Even the thickness, spacing all are done through computer programing. Digitizing is also mistaken as a scanned process like screen printing, but it is far more complicated process for which you need years and years of experience to have good command on your work.

 Clean and high resolution images are needed for the best results. 

Posted by maxdigitizing at 1:30 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 November 2018 4:19 PM EST
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