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If you are a buyer interested in short sales or foreclosure listings, we have some of those too, although fewer than what you find in other nearby communities. Bear in mind that there is a lot of competition, with multiple offers and cash buyers, for these properties.

Discover a great renter, or invest lots of your energy and energy and effort and frustration solving the problem of a bad renter. Those are your two options. Sure, you might luck out and accidently choose a great renter, but the chances are slim. So take enough time upfront (even if it feels like it’s taking too long) to discover a renter who matches you and your residence. If you do this correctly, you’ll invest lots of your energy and energy and effort on the residence before you get a renter but hardly any once the residence is rented.  Maureen Bryant in Richmond Hill is one of theReal Estate realtors, expertise in Home Buying and Home Selling.