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The baron hoisted him up in the

Horses, several hundred mounted knights, a support camp of perhaps another two thousand--the king had obviously not been swa by the baron's argument that he was enled to charge tolls along the pilgrim route. ~ ~ ~ How violent were the vibrations? the baron asked. Greater than yesterday. Their tunnel draws closer. Will buy instagram followers they try buy instagram followers to tunnel under the wall and push up into the bailey? No, that would leave them open to instant slaughter. God save us, they mean to undermine the wall itself, to collapse some part of it. But the wall is twelve feet thick and solid stone! There is no way they could collapse it. Besides, as the tunnel draws near the wall, we can counterattack by crushing it from above. We can dislodge enough heavy stone from elsewhere in the fortifications. Then when they google emerge from the collapsed tunnel, our archers simply pick them off. All well thought out, but sadly wrong. Firstly, the wall cannot support itself if their sappers remove enough earth from under one or two sections of stone. And they only need to knock out a section or two to open a breach wide enough to permit entry to more men than we could ever hope to stop. And they will attack a location that is vulnerable. Some location that we cannot defend. The baron paused. A location that... You know where? Villard, when he was here in the spring, spoke to me of a concern. Vital tried in vain to remember anything Villard might've said. He waited for the baron to continue. The square tower design might be vulnerable to mining. The sense of alarm growing in Vital's chest was only amplified by the unusual look of uncertainty on the baron's face. But you said that square towers offered perfect balance and symmetry. That they strengthened the wall, and the wall strengthened them. Villard pointed out to me that the square configuration leaves the outside face of the tower vulnerable to attack because our archers do not have an angle of fire that can reach there. And your idea of crushing the tunnel from above is admirable, but the French will be reinforcing the tunnel with wood beams as they progress. I suspect that is why we do not see more progress on their siege engines--they are using all available timbers to s up the tunnel. So if the tunnel is reinforced, how will they collapse the wall? Once they have dug out under the wall, they simply set fire to the timber. It burns, the tunnel collapses, and the wall above tumbles into the chasm. Vital was stunned by the defeated look on the baron's face. He waited in silence. The baron eventually spoke, without looking up. Send for Jeremy and Tegridia. And fetch your sister as well. Meet me in the hall as soon as possible. ~ ~ ~ The baron rested his arms on the table. This is not your fight, Jeremy. We can disguise you and Tegridia as priests, cut her hair and all, and negotiate for safe page. I have enough bits of gold left to get someone's attention. But it is your fight, and you are my friend. We stay. Think clearly, man! You have a daughter to consider. Jeremy shook his head slightly. You have buy instagram followers been patron and protector, not only to me but to an entire generation of scholars. Not to mention scribes, craftsmen, chemists, healers, natural philosophers. So many owe you so very much. instagram What would we be if we all turned and ran at the sign of trouble? The baron