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Math 251 at CCC

Email Brian

The Book for this course is:

Calculus: Concepts & Contexts 3 by: James Stewart, Thompson Learning, Inc., 2005, ISBN#0-534-409865

Instructor: Brian Tardiff

"Mathematics is a more powerful instrument of knowledge than any other that has been bequeathed to us by human agency." -- Descartes


Using Limits to find Derivatives
Here is an example. Note the veritcal lines are brackets, not absolute value signs.

OK. Let's try The Power Rule

OK. Let's try Implicit Differentiation

OK. Let's try Optimization?

"If I have seen farther than other men, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." -- Isaac Newton

Links to Tools for Math 251

Online Resources The ultimate source of Calculus information

Mrs. Roberts Calulus Page; has pretty much everything you need

Help at TutorVista

A Grouping of Links and Calculus Help

Math Archives:is a list of math help from various universities

Links to Freeware/Software for Math

Free graphing software called "GraphCalc" for Windows/Linux

Another FREE math tool: Geogebra

Curious George Learns Calculus

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