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If you are skillful at massaging than it is an amazing talent for you to have. A talent of yours can be very help full to family and friends to relive them from stress. Although, it is not that tough to do, but it is neither that easy too. You need to know how to be done and a little preparation would help you out.

Step 1

Make a suitable environment

It is important to keep the place massage place comfortable, with a proper place to lie down, soft towels to cover the surface. Room temperature should be accordingly adjustable and the place must not be disturbed by anyone.

For creating a better environment, a soothing music and dim light of candles are best and an important part of massaging room. Use good quality of massage oil, keep plenty of towels handy, and use them at various places required.

Step 2

Getting Right Technique

Make sure you have someone who knows the right technique for perfect massage.  You don’t have to confuse yourself in different massage types because practicing two types of massages at the same time might work in opposite way for you.

Start with feet and working your way up through legs and upper back, go to the top. Repeat it on the front side. Press and release is the most common massage generally, people do at homes.

Step 3

Finish it well

By finishing means you don’t have to hurry in finishing the massage and you should dedicate every small body part the same amount as you have given to the big muscles like fingers, ears etc.

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