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A Sincere Welcome from Tim

These where I will add some of my writings, thoughts and poems. If you are into combat, kung fu, brazilian jiu jitsu or cooking there is something here for everyone. "Martial Life" is a concept that is ever-present in life. Know it or not it is effecting your life so it's about time to learn about it with your conscious mind too!

My First Kung Fu Show in Beijing

Many have asked me what lead me to live a "martial life". Well as many of us, I started with films such as those by Bruce Lee.. which I think anyone who is getting into martial stuff should absolutely watch.

But this was only the beginning as those films as well as other Chinese films I watched provoked me to take a trip to China. I was young at the time and I had no money but I was determent and put all my savings into an airplane ticket to Beijing.

My first stop was the famous kung fu show (read more here) which astounded me in unimaginable ways. I wanted to be like those actors on stage and not only impress women but to start an inner journey to find my limits and capabilities. Both those of the physique and mind.

That's why I always recommend people to take a trip to Beijing if they are looking for improvisation. It certainly did it for me. Also I would like to stress that while there is nothing wrong with using martial arts for fitness and general well being.. it's important to remember that these are ancient old traditions with deep philosophical meanings and goals.

For me it's too big of a thing to pass on.. and I ventured as deep as I could to find out the true meaning behind Kung Fu. Already the show in Beijing thought me things that I did not know before. From then on I learned something every day and still keep on learning.

Martial art schools in Beijing are also of very high quality, which finally lead me to take the decision of staying there.

the super man

The Super Man

Some martial artists have what is called the "superman syndrome". This is the biggest misconception that is brainwashing the world. Being a "Kung Fu Master" has nothing to do with pride or glory. Read more...