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Skin is remarkably flexible and can stretch significantly if it is afforded adequate time. When skin is stretched rapidly, however, such as during pregnancy, puberty, and weight gain, you can getstretch marks. Although stretch marks themselves do not pose threat to life generally speaking, this fact does not bring any consolation to folks, specifically ladies, who find them unsightly.

Stretch marks are very commonplace and cannot be averted completely. Still, the following tips may help you reduce the likelihood of you getting stretch marks.

Maintain a healthy weight - Packing on weight dramatically and abruptly can lead to stretch marks. Dropping pounds quickly will also make your stretch marks seem more prominent. Thus, it is important that you prevent both abrupt weight loss or gain if you wish to keep stretch marks from developing. If you have to lose weight, do it a slow but steady pace by way of diet and exercise. You should not shed more than 1 pound weekly.

Look after your skin appropriately - Applying moisturizer daily can enhance circulation and encourage tissue growth. It is important to bear in mind that caring for your skin does not iinvolve only topical applications. You also have to adhere to a healthy, balanced diet that is abundant in vitamins C and E, along with minerals like zinc and silicon. To know more about stretch marks and how to get rid of it, go to this website:

Keep a healthy weight while pregnant - Ninety percent of females develop stretch marks during pregnancy since they put on many pounds over a relatively short time. Aside from the rapidly expanding belly, hormonal changes that go on throughout pregnancy may also cause stretch marks. Luckily, many of these marks generally disappear after delivery. Furthermore, to reduce the amount of stretch marks you will get in the course of your pregnancy, make an effort to gain weight steadily. The ideal amount of weight you gain is determined by your weight before becoming pregnant.

On the whole, it is normal to gain 1-2 kg over the first 3 months of your pregnancy. A lady whose pre-pregnancy weight was in the normal range shouldn't put on more than 35 lbs during the pregnancy. Visit your doctor or midwife if you are not putting on weight at a healthy rate. In addition, you may wear a supportive maternity bra throughout the pregnancy. Research also show that pregnant women who applied a cream with vitamin E had far fewer marks than those who didn’t. Do not forget to consult your doctor prior to using stretch mark-preventing products during pregnancy though as some may carry ingredients that are detrimental to the unborn child.