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Why Unique Restaurant Promotion Ideas are Business Imperative in The Digital Era?

Competition is intense and as a restaurateur, you need to come up with standout marketing ideas to attract patron footfalls. There is a marked difference in loyalty between customers who order online and those who visit restaurants. The relative anonymity of interactions and the choices available on a single screen make online customers behave differently. This makes it all the more necessary for your restaurant to roll out promotions that attract and retain clientele with unique restaurant promotion ideas.

Harmonizing multiple channels into a single loyalty program

A patron may either place an online order, a takeaway or eat out at your restaurant. Essentially, he/she uses one of the many options to place an order. Most loyalty programs work in silos. For instance, a customer who makes an online purchase will receive loyalty points that cannot be redeemed when he visits your restaurant. In other words, your customers get loyalty points that are of very little use. Will this help increase loyalty, or build expectations for the next visit/order?

A loyalty program that harmonizes all the different channels into a single program is something that will pique the interest of patrons. For instance, a customer who places an online order should be able to redeem loyalty points when he books a table at your restaurant. This will make the customer look forward to visiting/placing an order. Your commercial interests can be protected by setting a maximum threshold value to redeem loyalty points in a single order.

This will engage your patrons, offering greater satisfaction, while ensuring that the patron looks forward to the next opportunity to redeem the balance points. You can use loyalty programs to forge strong relationships with clients, who will find good offers pleasantly surprising. For instance, the order preferences of a client can be used to give out special offers on select days.

If you want to know more about Unique Restaurant Promotion Ideas: