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E-Mail Ban Cheaters Instantly

Stop Cheaters!

Welcome to This web site is a place where honest gamers can come to report cheaters and share information about games with other gamers.

Since the advent of online console gaming, and computers as well, there has been time for many gamers to begin gaming, perfect their favorite type of online game, and unfortunately those whom are willing to cheat for advancement in various forms. This site will represent something different to all three of the different types of gamers.

Gamer 1 Gamer 2 Gamer 3
New Gamer Veteran Gamer Cheater

What Ban Cheaters Offers:

Knowledge on how to tell cheating from a bad connection and other games that you may enjoy similar to the one you are currently playing.

What Ban Cheaters Offers:

A place for you to help raise the awareness of other gamers to the online identies of cheaters. As many veteran gamers might know cheaters frequently use different accounts with similar spellings. Posting them in the report cheaters section will help others to identify the suspect.

What Ban Cheaters Offers:

A place where you will be presented to the online community so that no matter which account you use you will get reported and possibly banned.


This site is meant to be friendly to all gamers, with the exception of cheaters, regardless of method(consoles, computers, etc). In order to keep the cheater posts family friendly and honestly reported you will be required to create a free profile. Any unsavory posting and page spamming will result in termination of profile and possibly your IP address. Please use this web site responsibly and in a friendly manner.