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About Me

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Hi there! So this is my first website.-- It was a little harder than it looks, but hopefully it will become easier than it looks, as I learn the steps for creating great websites. This site was created in my Web 101 class at Sessions, an online school of design.

Got feedback? Drop me a line at



About This Site

After dowloading the home page and saving and saving a copy, as index.html, I opened it in NotePad, which looked like total gibberish and I could not find anything. Then I tried WordPad, and it works a lot better for me. I made the initial suggested changes, then checked the html version but nothing had changed. So eventually I tried the Refresh button, and then the changes became updated. For a beginner like me, these simple steps can be confusing as one tries to follow instructions from a book. Still, things are getting a little clearer and hopefully it will all work out at the end.