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Lwcus y gath ei adael ar fy porth ar ddiwedd mis Ionawr 2011. Roedd hi'n eira ac yn oer, ac yr oedd sŵn tu fas. Mae fy merch yn agor y drws, ac yr oedd fach ddu a gwyn gath fach ...
Lwcus wedi bod gyda ni ers hynny. Mae'n ar gefn eI geffyl gwyn, ond yr ydym yn ei garu ef.

Mae gennyf rai lluniau a fideos o'r ef ar y tudalennau hyn.



Lwcus the cat was left on my porch at the end of January 2011. It was snowing and cold, and there was a noise outside. My daughter opened the door, and there was a little black & white kitten... Lwcus has been with us since then. he is full of mischief, but we love him.

I have some photos and videos of him on these pages.
