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This will have to be a work-in-progress for quite some time. Right now, I'm writing the third book of my trilogy, ATHEOS: 6 Paths To Destruction. Volumes I and II have been completed and are available in PDFs for free downloading. Atheism/agnosticism-Totalitarianism-Humanism, or And Without God In This World  comprises the first volume, and Evillusion:  The Evil Illusion Of Evolution is the second. The third and last volume of the series is now being written, and I hope to release it in December of this year. Other Religions and Still-Future Eschatology, or Out-of THE WAY Systems will round out the planned trilogy, Lord willing.


Please check in periodically for several content updates, but in this election season, I urge you to download and read at least the Totalist Cutout section of that first volume (ATH of ATHEOS ). It's only a scant 8 pages, but long on good, timely information.