A Classroom
This small room was recently converted from a storage room into a classroom
to train novices, and occasionally Accepted. Shelves built into the dull
stone walls hold stacks of yellow pages that crackle from the draft under
the door. Several round tables fill the room and offer a view of a large
[ obvious exits: W ]

Aryana sits down.

Aishling prepares for the lesson by writing two conceptions on the blackboard.
Brin turns her attention to Aishling.

Aishling scrawls out '1.SHADOWSWORN and 2.SHADOWSPAWN.

Aishling sits on the edge of the desk to reread her notes.

Lain looks at one word then the other.

Aishling begins the lesson by pointing to the board.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Lets start with the two concepts you can
see here. The distinction that I am going to try to get across is that
Shadowsworn are men and women just like you or I who have given in to the
temptations by the Dark One to join the Shadow and wreak havoc on their
fellow human beings. Perhaps even animals can be Shadowsworn, but that is a
discussion for another time.'

Aishling pauses to let this sink in.

Chiko pulls out a long parchment from her sack, putting her ink on her desk.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Shadowspawn, on the other hand, are
tainted monstrosities that have no choice but to serve the Dark because it
created them and made them what they are.'

Brin thinks about this.

Chiko dips her pen in the ink and starts to take notes.

The Door is opened from the other side.

Sylvanas has arrived from the west.

Sylvanas says 'hello'

Aleatha grabs a quill and paper and begins scribbling furiously.

Aishling clears her throat.

Sylvanas hugs Aryana.

Sylvanas looks at Aryana.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'A moment please.'

Aleatha blinks as she looks up from her notes.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I will repeat what I said in the

Adaire has arrived from the west.

Talathiri has arrived from the west.

Brin watches Aishling carefully.

Talathiri greets Wynoa with a light kiss on her cheek.

Adaire nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I am glad you could make it Adaire Sedai'

Adaire says 'Thank you, Accepted.'

Talathiri takes a seat at the side, turning her attention to Aishling.

Aishling composes herself.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Talathiri Sedai... you slipped in so

Talathiri smiles at Aishling.

Lissa says 'Sorry for my late attendance.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Ok now where was I..'

Brin watches quietly.

Lissa moves to the back of the classroom and takes a seat quietly.

Sylvanas hugs Lissa.

Sylvanas says 'lissa!!!'

Aishling points to the two words on the blackboard again. Shadowspawn and Shadowsworn.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Sylvanas, I will not tolerate outbursts!'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Ok, from the beginning..'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The distinction that I am going to try
to get across is that Shadowsworn are men and women just like you or I who
have given in to the temptations by the Dark One to join the Shadow and
wreak havoc on their fellow human beings. Perhaps even animals can be
Shadowsworn, but that is a discussion for another time.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Shadowspawn, on the other hand, are
tainted monstrosities that have no choice but to serve the Dark because it
created them and made them what they are.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Most of them are descended from living
constructs that were created during the War of the Shadow.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Shadowsworn choose to join the Dark,
while Shadowspawn have no choice at all.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'One has or -had- free will, the other's
fate is biologically determined.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Of course, one could argue that both
are corruption of the Pattern threads by the Dark One's influence as he
has reached out from his prison.'

Brin listens carefully.

Aishling shrugs, then continues.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The first Shadowspawn we will discuss
are Trollocs.'

Liliana shivers uncomfortably.

Lissa nods thoughtfully as she scribles a few notes on her trusty notepad.

Aleatha leans over her paper intently, she seems to be trying to draw an
illustation of a trolloc.

Aishling shuffles her papers around, then continues.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'say They were created to be the
footsoldiers of the Dark by mixing human stock with that of naturally
aggressive animals, such as boars, bears, wolves, goats, wildcats, rams,
and eagles.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They resemble the animal from which
they were engineered, even having the facial features and sometimes
feet/hooves and fur/feathers of that animal.'

Chiko nods slightly as she listens, continuing to take notes.

Aishling gets a look of revulsion on her face as she continues.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'This next bit of information is a bit

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are able to breed with humankind,
but the offspring are usually stillborn, and those which are not often fail
to survive.'

Aishling pauses to compose herself before she continues.

Aleatha looks faintly disgusted and holds her stomach.

Talathiri arches an eyebrow, glancing around the room.

Liliana looks somewhat nauseous.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Most Trollocs stand eight to ten feet
tall and are very powerful and vicious, killing just for the fun of it.'

Brin's face pales slightly at the very idea.

Chiko takes a moment to ponder that before she goes back to taking notes.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are omnivorous, but prefer meat of
any sort, including other Trollocs.'

Aleatha stares at Aishling absorbed in the lecture and idley reachs out for
a cookie.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Trollocs do not have discipline or
intelligence to follow orders. Rather, they follow more animal instinct and
basic human desires.'

Chiko takes a little bite of her chocolate as she continues to take notes,
her hand ever moving.

Aleatha biddles on her cookie as she listens intently.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The only time they will follow orders
is when driven by fear.. Even then, if they fear the opponent more than
their superiors, they will flee.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Outside of the military unit of the
horde, Trollocs are divided into tribelike bands (clans).'

Liliana nods intently.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The most well-known tribes include: the
Ahf'frait, Ghar'ghael, Ko'bal, Dha'vol, Bhan'sheen and the Dhai'mon. They
are the only constructs from the War of the Shadow known to have developed
a social structure and tribal system.'

Aishling takes a sip of water and clears her throat.

Brin looks on wonderingly, learning things she hadn't known before.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Trollocs also have their own crude
language and on it, the Dark One is called Baalzamon.'

Aishling shivers slightly at the name.

Aryana shivers uncomfortably.

Chiko takes another bite of her chocolate as she deps her pen into the ink,
going back to her nearly full parchment once again.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Their weapons are made at forges in the
in the valley called Thakan'dar, on the very slopes of Shayol Ghul itself.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Some of them take the taint from that
place, a stain of evil in the metal.'

Brin's stomach clenches at the mention of these names.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Those tainted blades make wounds that
will not heal unaided, or cause deadly fevers, strange sicknesses that
medicines cannot touch.'

Aishling becomes silent for a while, tapping her lip thoughtfully.

Aleatha quickly adds a footnote about the taint under her trolloc's blades

Aishling says in a confident voice 'At this point I would like to call for
questions if there are any.'

Liliana raises her hand.

Aryana thinks hard.

Chiko puts down her parchment, picking up a new one as she continues her

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Liliana'

Liliana says 'Accepted, how many trollocs wield these tainted blades....
all of them?'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'That would be hard to answer Liliana..
I know that I have fought many wielding different types of weapons, whether
they have the taint on them or not is hard to say.'

Brin delicately munches on her pastry while waiting for Aishling to answer
liliana's question.

Liliana nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I suppose nobody really knows for sure..'

Brin raises her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Brin'

Brin says 'Is there a way to protect against this taint?'

Sylvanas patiently twiddles her thumbs.

Chiko waits patiently, ready for taking more notes.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Well a for sure way would be to not
fight them.. But as far as the affects of tainted blades, I believe that
through the years, there have been many studies on this taint and how to
avoid the lasting results of it..'

Brin nods eagerly, waiting for more.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I believe that Sheriam teaches a cure
for this taint..'

Lain listens closely to this part.

Sylvanas looks at Brin.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Anyone else?'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'If nobody else has anything, we will
break for 5 minutes to stretch our legs.'

Aleatha glances around the room, her pen poised above the page.

Lain raises her hand.

Aishling reaches to the sky and stretches.

Chiko puts down her parchment and pen, and waits patiently for the break to

Wynoa begins to jot down a note.

Liliana does a few simple stretches and grabs a bite to eat.

Brin covers a yawn with her hand, but remains seated, thoughtfully reviewing
what has been said thus far.

Talathiri says 'Very instructive so far, Accepted.'

Aleatha fiddles with her skirts as she returns to her seat.

Liliana the gymnast bends herself into an arch.

Aishling beams with pride.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Thank you Talathiri Sedai'

Lain says 'my apologys Accepted but i had a question i should have asked'

Brin smiles softly at Accepted Aishling.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Yes Lain?'

Lain says 'what abilitys or lack thereof should we be aware of... as opposed
to how we are i mean'

Lain says 'can they fly or breath water or see thru walls etc'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They dont care for light..'

Lain nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They do have night vision..'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Where you and I would not be able to
see, they can..'

Lain says 'they see in the dark?'

Aishling nods in agreement.

Lain frowns.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Sylvanas, would you like to get up here
and teach the class?'

Sylvanas says 'nope'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Then please refrain from correcting me in tells'

Talathiri arches an eyebrow.

Brin interjects, "I hear they can run from the spine all the way to the
ocean without stopping!" her eyes grow wide.

Sylvanas says 'i got so much latency now i might go linkless'

Talathiri says 'Child, you are in class to learn, not to try to teach.
Kindly remember the fact.'

Sylvanas nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They do have drive.. It seems their
energy is constant'

Aishling clears her throat, calling the class back to order.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Now we will review the information
available on Myrddraal, the fearsome leaders of Trolloc fists I alluded to
in the previous lesson.'

Liliana shivers uncomfortably.

Brin shifts her position slightly.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Myrddraal were a pleasant suprise to the
engineers of the Trollocs, if such can be said of these creatures.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are a throwback to the human stock
with which the Trollocs were made.'

Chiko starts taking notes once again, happy that the class has started.

Brin mouths a silent, ohhhhh.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are all male, most likely sterile,
lack any identifiable individualistic expression and don't use any unique

Someone knocks on the Door from the other side.

The Door is opened from the other side.

Neladin has arrived from the west.

Neladin blushes.

Neladin curtseys gracefully.

Neladin says 'sorry for being late'

Aishling smiles at Neladin.

Neladin moves to the rear.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Glad you could make it'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'We are discussing Myrddraal at this
time Neladin, if you could share notes with someone.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Although it is not known why, but some
say Myrddraal avoid crossing running water at all but the greatest need.'

Neladin says 'i will later, thanks.'

Lain raises her hand.

Brin says 'hmmmm'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Yes Lain?'

Neladin looks over aryana's shoulders at her notes.

Lain says 'do you mean rivers or any flowing water at all?'

Aleatha scribbles a quick drawing of a Myrddraal drowning in a river in her

Aryana leans over to let Neladin read the notes better.

Liliana nods at Aleatha.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I would assume any water, but from my
information, it looks as if they mean a river or a stream..'

Lain nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Myrddraal are also known as Shadowmen,
Halfmen, Lurks, Fetches and Fades.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Myrddraal are the size of a normal
human, but despite tall muscular bodies, they move with the grace and speed
of a serpent.'

Brin peers at Aleatha's pad and hides a smile behind her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Their skin is the putrid white of a
slug, and their blood is black and corrosive.'

Aishling shivers.

Neladin grimaces at the thought.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The most striking aspect of Myrddraal
is a complete lack of eyes.'

Lain wrinkles her nose.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Eyeless..'

Neladin shivers slightly.

Aleatha blinks her eyes and leans forward in curiosity.

Liliana hold her head in her hands and attempts to breath very deeply and

Brin shivers and rubs the goosebumps out of her arms.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'A smooth plane of white skin stretches
over the place where eyes should be, earning them this additional name.'

Adaire wrinkles up her nose.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'However..'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Despite a lack of physical eyes, the
Myrddraal can see perfectly in any light.'

Liliana arches an eyebrow.

Brin wonders at Aishling's ability to describe it with such vivid details,
shivering yet again.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are able to travel from place to
place by stepping into a shadow.'

Liliana gasps in astonishment.

Chiko nods slightly, taking notes without any sign of discomfort.

Aishling can't imagine stepping INTO a shadow.

Neladin ponders their mode of travel.

Wynoa makes some clicking noises and jots down some notes.

Brins face lights up with sudden dawning.

Aleatha trys to imagine what it must be like, unconcously waving her hand
trying to catch the shadow under her seat.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It is possible that the Myrddraal do not
exist totally in this world, for mirrors cast only misty forms instead of
their reflections.'

Lain raises her hand thoughtfully.

Neladin giggles softly at Aleatha.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Lain?'

Lain says 'when they ...fade?....is this to do with the one power?'

Brin wondered the same thing.

Chiko shakes her head slightly, knowing the answer but remaining silent.

Aishling ponders this a moment.

Lain listens closely.

Aishling flips through some notes.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It is because they are not totally of
this world, they are part of the shadows..'

Lain says 'more to the point when they do it does it leave a residue?'

Neladin 'hrms' softly.

Brin wonders what Lain is getting at.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'No residue to my knowledge'

Lain nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It is said that their capes are not
touched by any amount of wind, but rather hang motionless around them and
when they die, the capes start flowing again.'

Aishling ponders this a moment.

Liliana frowns slightly.

Neladin thinks about warder's cloaks...

Brin head gives a slight jerk at this information.

Aleatha runs her hands idely along her desk, then quickly snatchs it back
in pain, a sliver protruding from her finger.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Myrddraal’s most powerful weapon is
its gaze, which strikes fear into the very bones.'

Neladin looks over at aleatha, and weaves a small amount of spirit at her

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Myrddraal is a formidable opponent,
having sophisticated fighting skills and equipment.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Their swords are made on the slopes of
Shayol Ghul at Thakan’dar. '

Aleatha smiles at Neladin and wiggles her finger.

Neladin smiles widely, her cheecks dimpling.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Even the slightest wound with a
Myrddraal’s sword is mortal.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Myrddraal are difficult to kill, and
when mortally wounded, a Myrddraal’s corpse refuses to die until sundown.'

Aishling pauses to let these words sink in, then takes a deep breath.

Brin raises her hand.

Neladin nods her head emphatically.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Brin?'

Brin says 'I don't understand Accepted. If it's a corpse, which by
definition is a DEAD thing, why doesn't it "die"?'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Have you ever seen someone slaughter a

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It is sort of like that I suppose..'

Liliana nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Even after you have whacked the
chicken's head off..'

Neladin chuckles at the thought of a fade, running around like a chicken.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'His body still runs around..'

Brin nods agreement.

Neladin looks startled that she would think of that.

Aishling flashes a grin at Neladin.

Chiko nods slightly, waiting for the class to continue.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'That is the only way I can think to
describe it..'

Brin nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Now we will discuss the Draghkar and
Darkhound, more foul creations from the War of Shadows.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Draghkar have no battle skill, as
they have thin frail hands and arms.'

Neladin makes a new header in her notes.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They do, however, pose an equal danger
to the battle oriented Trolloc.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'This creature has a hypnotic crooning,
which summons and compels its victim into its embrace.'

Chiko puts her parchment down, getting another formher sack and awaits the
accepted to start.

Brin has never heard of Draghkar, so she perks at hearing new information.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Once under the creatures’s control, the
Draghkar fastens its large, blood red lips to the victim.'

Liliana shivers uncomfortably.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Draghkar’s kiss is fatal, slowly
draining away the victim’s soul before finally consuming life as well.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Those who are saved before death may
yet live, but only as empty soulless shells.'

Lain raises her hand timidly.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Those who are not saved fall as cold as
though they had been dead for days.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Yes Lain?'

Neladin writes 'kiss = bad'.

Lain says 'how do we fight them then?'

Chiko shakes her head slightly, wondering what romantic life could a
Draghkar have...

Neladin chuckles at Chiko.

Brin blinks in absolute astonishment and distaste.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'From a personal stand point, I have
never seen, nor fought one..'

Lain nods in agreement.

Neladin raises her hand tentatively.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'From the research I have done, it
doesn't seem likely that there is a way to take them down.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'If someone knows differently, I
encourage you to share..'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Yes Neladin'

Neladin says 'I imagine, hypothetically, if you weave from a distance, that
may work.'

Aishling nods slowly.

Neladin says 'Althought I wouldnt want to be the one to test it.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Very good point.'

Brin raises her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Brin?'

Brin says 'What if one stopped up their ears Accepted? So they couldn't
hear the crooning?'

Aishling smiles at Brin.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'That may very well work also'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I won't be the one testing that theory

Neladin nods at Aishling.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Draghkar, like the Myrddraal,
resemble a pale, tall man in build, but there the resemblance to either
Myrddraal or man ends.'

Brin giggles

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Draghkar have dark shoulder length hair,
usually tied back.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The body is slender, with too pale skin
and talons on each finger of human looking hands.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The creature’s face shows gaunt cheeks,
extremely large dark eyes, and a blood red puckered mouth containing sharp
pointed teeth.'

Aishling twitches slightly.

Lain says 'yuck'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The most remarkable characteristic of
the Draghkar is its large, batlike wings, which allow it to fly skillfully.'

Aishling nods at Lain.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Pretty disgusting sounding..'

Brin says 'fly???'

Aishling nods at Brin.

Aleatha smiles wistfully at the thought of flying.

Brin put her hand over her mouth at her outburst!

Aleatha blushes.

Liliana blinks her eyes innocently.

Aishling hands Liliana a cup of kaf to keep her awake.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Draghkar are usually used as assassins,
in conjunction with a Myrddraal and Trolloc raid for distraction.'

Someone knocks on the Door from the other side.

Lorion has arrived from the west.

Lorion takes her place.

Brin's stomach grumbles loudly with hunger and her hand goes down to her
stomach instead, blushing fiercely and hoping nobody heard.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Glad you are here Lorion'

Lorion says 'Sorry I am late.'

Aishling nods then continues.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'We are discussing Draghkar at the moment.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are most effective at night, outdoors,
and when the target is isolated.'

Lorion nods in agreement.

Aishling shuffles some papers and clears her throat.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'If nobody has anymore questions, we
will break for 2 minutes.'

Brin whispers "assassins!"

Lain smiles happily.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Next I will address Darkhounds.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Darkhounds are canines corrupted by the

Brin turns her attention to Aishling once again.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They were created as guard-beasts
around the time of the War of Power, and were later used to hunt down
enemies of the Shadow.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Running in packs of ten or twelve, they
are basically shaped like a hound but are blacker than night.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'And they are as large as small ponies,
weighing two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds each.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Their cry sounds similar to a wolf, but
is tinged with blood and death'

Brin blinks.

Liliana shivers uncomfortably.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They run faster than a galloping horse,
and can maintain that speed longer than any horse.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Darkhounds never hunt at random, though
they will kill if the opportunity presents itself and it doesn't interfere
with the hunt.'

Neladin recalls fighting hounds and shivers slightly.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'With Darkhounds the hunt is paramount.
Their quarry is always important to the Shadow, though at times we cannot
see why.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They have been known to bypass the
great and mighty to slay a farmwife or craftsman.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Or to enter a town or village and leave
without killing, though they clearly came for some reason.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Theories exist, postulating that the
Darkhound, possibly like a Myrddraal, exists slightly outside of reality.'

Brin says 'hmmm'

Chiko nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They leave no prints on any ground
except for on the hardest stone, and the smell of burned sulphur surrounds them.'

Chiko raises her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Chiko?'

Aleatha sniffs slightly then scribbles something down on her paper.

Chiko says 'Can they fade in and out like the Eyeless ones?'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They can't fade, no.'

Lain raises her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Lain'

Lain says 'i tried to kill one once and my staff went right thru it.'

Neladin nods at Lain.

Chiko nods in agreement.

Lain says 'are fades the same?'

Neladin shakes her head.

Chiko shakes her head.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Again, that supports the theory that
they exist outside of reality.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Fades are not the same'

Lain nods in agreement.

Neladin ponders the point as she nods slowly.

Brin face gets a look of thinking hard once more.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They also do not like rain or
thunderstorms, and if they can help it, will not go out into a storm unless
they are on a trail.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'These creatures, also like Myrddraal,
will not readily cross running water, which may be the only way short of
killing these creatures to end a chase.'

Aleatha mutters something about "shadowspawn and water" but you can't quite
make it out.

Neladin writes 'change weather when fighting', on her paper.

Aishling smiles at Aleatha.

Chiko raises her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Chiko?'

Chiko says 'Can they, or fades move around in day light?'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Fades can move around in daylight, but
cannot 'slip into the shadows' then.'

Chiko nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Darkhounds arent affected by daylight
as far as I know..'

Brin nods, thinking that would make sense... less shadows.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The Darkhound is deadly, as even the
smallest bite from their massive jaws is fatal.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'The blood and saliva of the Darkhound
are poison, and even one drop on the skin can cause a very slow and
extremely painful death.'

Neladin involuntarily gasps.

Aishling looks grim but moves briskly on to the the next subject.

Neladin hopes her 'cure poison' weave is up to speed.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'For the last bit, we will talk briefly
of those minions of the Dark One which were not created during the Age of

Liliana nods in agreement.

Neladin tilts her head.

Neladin tilts her head, a wisp of hear falling from behind her ears.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Most familiar are the so called “eyes
and ears” of the Dark One, namely those animals with an affinity for decay,
carrion, and death.'

Brin looks over and Neladin and smiles.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Crows, ravens and rats are among those
creatures the Shadow employs as spies.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Not every crow or rat is a spy for the
Dark One, however, there is no way to tell a spy from a normal animal.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Gray Men are also not constructs, but
were once normal human beings, as far as a darkfriend can be said to be normal.'

Neladin unconciously pushes a wisp of hair behind her ear.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'These individuals went beyond merely
pledging their souls to the Dark One, they actually gave up their souls to
serve as assassins.'

Brin nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Also called Soulless, they are for all
practical purposes dead already, although they still move and think.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Their lack of a soul makes them appear
very ordinary-looking, so much so that were they in a crowd they would
hardly be noticed.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Even the most careful eye can slide
right over them.'

Neladin nods her head emphatically.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'They are such effective assassins that
usually even the victim never sees them, and a witness to the attack may
not even see the killer.'

Liliana arches an eyebrow.

Aishling coughs quietly.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Usually a Gray Man is a man, although
occasionally a woman will become a Soulless too.'

Someone knocks on the Door from the other side.

Orea has arrived from the west.

Orea curtseys gracefully.

Brin smiles softly at Orea.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It can only be speculated as to what
incentives and benefits are promised these individuals to make them willing
to give their very soul to serving the Dark One.'

Wynoa looks up from her notes.

Wynoa nods absently and resumes her thoughts, eyes staring at something far

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Lastly, we will discuss some ways to
protect yourselves against any or all of these shadowspawn/shadowsworn.'

Liliana shrugs helplessly.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Anyone have any ideas on how you can
protect yourself?'

Liliana raises her hand.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Liliana'

Neladin looks at Aleatha with concern in her eyes.

Wynoa makes some clicking sounds and sighs softly.

Adaire listens.

Wynoa stops using a strange mechanical writing instrument.

Wynoa gives a strange mechanical writing instrument to a Tower guard.

Liliana says 'We can cast weaves such as armor on ourselves, and the
strength weave can help others as well'

Neladin raises her hand.

Aishling nods at Liliana.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Neladin?'

Brin listens to the others.

Neladin says 'by being aware of what is in the area, by using locating

Liliana nods in agreement.

Aishling nods.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Very good answer'

Neladin looks pleased.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'What about protection against Gray Men?'

Chiko says 'Notice?'

Lain raises her hand.

Aishling smiles and nods at Chiko.

Liliana beams a smile at Chiko.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Lain?'

Lain says 'ah sorry i was going to say what Chiko said'

Aishling smiles.

Neladin smiles at Lain.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'What is the first thing you should do
before going into any battle?'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Anyone know?'

Brin shakes her head.

Chiko raises her hand.

Neladin raises her hand tentatively.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Chiko, name one please'

Wynoa looks up and eyes the class like an owl.

Chiko says 'Protective weaves, where, check to see your not in the buffing

Aishling giggles softly.

Aishling nods at Chiko.

Adaire frowns.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Neladin you may have more of what I was
looking for..'

Neladin giggles lightly.

Adaire gives Chiko a look.

Chiko looks at Adaire.

Adaire arches an eyebrow.

Neladin says 'oh, maybe not... I was thinking about supplies and horses.'

Aishling nods at Neladin and says 'You are correct'

Neladin says 'Ensuring you have food and water, and a decent horse.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Paying close attention to your
surroundings, check your position in the group you are in, being aware of
where shadowspawn/shadowsworn are, if you are fighting, prepare yourself
for battle (water, food, make sure you are equipped to fight, have a light
source and a sturdy mount.).'

Lain thinks a moment and nods.

Aishling smiles at you all.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Are there any other questions?'

Neladin shakes her head slightly.

Aishling glances around.

Aryana thinks hard.

Liliana shakes her head.

Aryana shakes her head.

Orea strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'I want to thank you all for attending,
and I hope you have gained some knowledge of our enemy.'

Lain raises her hand.

Brin shakes her head.

Chiko smiles at Aishling.

Liliana smiles happily.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Lain?'

Neladin smiles.

Chiko says 'Thank you for this class, Accepted Aishling.'

Lain says 'one quick question Accepted....can any of the spawn feel us weaving?'

Neladin says 'ooo, good question.'

Liliana nods in agreement.

Lain says 'if so at what distance'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It is said that Dreadlords can block you
from the source, I am not sure if they can actually sense you weaving.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Although..'

Chiko takes a moment to ponder the question.

Liliana perks her head up in interest.

Lain chews her lip listening.

Neladin raises her hand to try to help answer.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'It is also said that if a trolloc wields
the tainted blade Malfeasor, it will start to glow if someone near them can
touch the source.'

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Neladin?'

Liliana boggles at the thought.

Neladin says, 'i thought fades had a sense channeling weave.'

Neladin says 'or skill.'

Aishling ponders this.

Wynoa says 'I would like to add that the eyeless can sense the channeling of
Saidar over short distances.'

Neladin nods.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Thank you Sedai, I was unaware of that..'

Neladin says 'Do you know how far, Wynoa Sedai?'

Lain looks from one to another.

Aishling makes a few mental notes.

Neladin says 'Or how exact it is?'

Wynoa says 'It varies on the amount of saidar used and the eyeless in question.'

Sylvanas looks at Wynoa.

Neladin nods.

Lain says 'i actually thought it was the hounds that did that....can they do
it as well?'

Neladin says 'much like our locating, i would think.'

Wynoa says 'but not far off.'

Wynoa says 'Usually within your line of sight.'

Liliana says 'Thank you for the lesson, Accepted'

Liliana leaves west.

Brin nods in agreement.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Who else was it that raised their hand?'

Neladin says 'I think that was it, except for me helping answer.'

Adaire glances around.

Aishling nods and smiles.

Neladin beams a smile at Adaire.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Again, I thank you all for attending..'

Neladin stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'You are free to go..'

Neladin says 'thank you for the class.'

Chiko smiles at Aishling.

Aishling says in a confident voice 'Welcome'

Neladin says 'Even what I saw was very informative.'

Talathiri says 'Well done, Aishling. Very helpful.'
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