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Don't Confuse Thirst For Hunger

So, what makes us hungry? What is it that gets us to the point of admitting that we are so food deprived that we could fall over and expire from sheer starvation at any moment?

Well, today I want to give some of these reasons, and you may be casque audio beats by dre quite surprised to hear that, in most cases, these feelings don't even have anything to do with 'food' per se! That's right, I'm going to show you that you may not be hungry at all, and you're actually confusing thirst for hunger!

How do you know when you're truly hungry?

That's a question many of us really don't know. We often don't understand the difference between hunger, thirst and sometimes, recreational eating just for the sake of eating.

I think there are a lot of reasons, and many of these casque audio beats by dr dre we are not even aware of! You see, people have difficulty reading their bodies' internal signals. They confuse thirst for hunger. This most often happens when they're not drinking enough water (I know, strange, right? ).

A good self-check before you head for the fridge to grab a snack is to gauge how much water you've had to drink that day. Don't forget too, that you need more than you think you do! Also remember that not all liquid counts as hydration. In fact, some beverages like tea and coffee will actually "de"hydrate you.

Personally, I try to drink a minimum of four to five liters of water a day. I workout hard; I drink green tea, so i need that much water. And, on a particularly hot day, I will drink more than that.

If you believe that you're eating out of sheer boredom, I think you know the cure already. Many times in the past, I've told you the importance of keeping track of what and when you're eating. Make sure to keep a daily food journal (and this includes everything, even water ).

If you're dealing with boredom, make a list of things to do other than eat, and do one of them. After that, if you're still hungry, then find something healthy to eat and enjoy it.

Let's face it, we all get hungry, but sometimes we're not. We are just thirsty or bored! So i want you to really try and get in touch with what "real hunger" is and get to know the difference. The deal is getting in touch with your own inner signals to figure it all out.

A good test to find out whether you're confusing casque dr dre pas cher thirst for hunger is to drink a normal, 8-ounce glass of water (not too fast ) at the first sign of hunger, then wait 15 minutes (remember, we can do ANYTHING for 15 minutes, including waiting to eat! ). If you're truly hungry, that hungry feeling won't go away, and by all means, it's time to eat. If you weren't hungry, you'll be just fine and a little more hydrated to boot!

The next steps are up to you. As I've told you before, it's impossible to out-train a poor diet. So take the steps necessary in order to start knowing the signs of true hunger. Stop confusing thirst for hunger, and you'll be well on your way to achieving your fat loss goals, even faster than you imagined you could!

I believe in you! Now Make it Happen!