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There are many benefits to using and having megapixel surveillance cameras installed at your business to protect your product, services, reputation and safety of all.


  • Megapixel Surveillance Cameras Offer High Resolution

The images that are captured with the megapixel surveillance cameras are very detailed, specific and more accurate than analog cousins.


  • Extraordinary Image Quality, Distance is No Factor

When you are using surveillance cameras that are analog, then you have to depend on capturing the video with the signal when it is strong and hoping it does not get weak, especially when distance is a factor or the signals must travel making them weaker before hitting the destination.  With the megapixel cameras, it does not matter how close or far away, the signal does not fade or get weak so the quality of the high resolution is maintained throughout the entire surveillance recording ensuring only the best results are captured in the event of a crime, accident or other event that needs to be visually seen again. 


  • PoE – Power Over Ethernet

The reliability and savings are substantially increased with the Power over Ethernet method that makes the megapixel surveillance cameras able to get their power from the very same Ethernet cables that are sending the data for both video and audio.  There is not any additional cabling needed to operate.  The Ethernet cables in conjunction with the IP cameras allow for full access to system adjustments and cameras settings as well as the camera functions too.  Pan, zoom and tilt can be changed via access from an Ethernet cable.


  • Capability for Wireless

When you are not able to run cables or it is just too time consuming and too expensive to install megapixel IP cameras, then know that you should utilize the wireless IP cameras because they are the best cost-effective solution that offer flexible options to businesses.  Mobile wireless is used in the transportation industry quite often, for instance in trains and buses.  Over the road truck drivers also utilize this technology too. 


As you can see, there are many benefits to having megapixel surveillance cameras at your work and on your business property for a variety of security and safety reasons.