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Friday, 30 July 2010
Who is Lofty Moebius?
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Au Revoir Simone remixed by Jens Lekman

Not to start out like the first episode of this season's Mad Men, but...


My name is a tribute to one of the most interesting (to me anyway) comic book characters of all time, the bizarre rider of the unconsciousness, Moebius.  I'm going to try to keep a blog about the random flotsam out there...well, actually, let's talk about that!

Flotsam -  Stuff that's floating in the water, after a shipwreck, or some sort of nautical accident.

Jetsam - Stuff thrown out of a boat purposefully.  (Who can tell the difference between flotsam and jetsam?  Jetsam becomes flotsam almost instantly).

Ligan -  Stuff you tie up to a buoy.  Presumably important!

Derelict -  Stuff that was deserted.  So you just walked (or swam) away from it.  Which is more cruel?  What to do about those OCD sailors constantly turning everything into ligan?  What about the guy taht jetsamed my float which became flotsam and I had to swim out and tie it up on a ligan because we weren't ready to abandon ship yet?  

And so on.  Nautical language is pretty interesting.  That's what comes of living near the coast (although my interest was piqued more when I was in the Outer Banks than in the rather more developed and sea-apathetic Wilmington).

In Wilmington I work for a drug test company called Home Health Testing.  It's a pretty good gig.  We sell tests for marijuana and drugs I had not heard of previously, like TCAs.  It's interesting.  

And now I am listening to Swedish group Eggstone...did not know they were Swedish although I should've figured as I am listening to Jens Lekman.  There is something going on with me and Sweden.  Everything I like turns out to be Swedish in some way...Lo Fi Fnk, Jens Lekman, Tough Alliance and in turn CEO, now Eggstone, plus I love Ingmar Bergman.  I suppose Sweden has more cultural influence than you would assume.  Annie does her best repping Norway for me.

Anyway, that's all for now... 


Posted by loftymoebius at 12:57 PM EDT
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