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If you have decided to add a water feature to your home, adding a floating fountain is always the fun part. When you have a pond with a fountain, this automatically becomes the focal point of your landscape. Therefore it should never be upstaged by anything else within the property that will draw people’s attention away from your centerpiece. What you should definitely add are plants because they can keep the ecosystem within the pond in perfect balance. Plants attract insects, birds, butterflies. Once your plants are in place, you should also consider putting fishes in the pond. While your floating fountain can already control the increase in the number of mosquitoes, fishes can also do their part by keeping the pond free of mosquito larvae and eggs. Mosquitoes thrive on stagnant water because it is the ideal setting for mosquito eggs to fully develop.

Studies show that a female mosquito has the capability to spawn up to three thousand eggs during her lifetime and these mosquitoes always stay near their breeding sites. Just imagine how many more mosquitoes are brought into this world through water that is allowed to remain stagnant. If you own a pond and do not take measures of maintaining it, you will have contributed to increasing the numbers of these disease carriers. The fountains for ponds work by creating ripples in the water when water falls back down after being sprayed into the air. The movement of the water therefore prevents the mosquito eggs from developing.

Another problem that floating fountains can help get rid of is algae. Algae can play a significant role in the food chain but too much of it can be very unsightly. It can also discolor the water and emit an awful stench. The main concerns therefore of having a water feature is keeping it mosquito and algae free which floating pond fountains can easily achieve. A floating fountain can help maintain an ideal ecosystem within and around the pond while at the same time keep pests such as mosquitoes and algae away from the pond. They are also perfect aerators that will keep your pond clean.

If you do not have a natural pond in the property, one can easily be made if you carefully plan on it. This is the most challenging part. You need to find out what is needed to create the perfect aquatic landscape. If you are not sure of how you can go about it, you can ask help from suppliers of aquatic gardens. They have everything that you will need to create your very own retreat.

There are different kinds of fountains for ponds at different prices to fit every type of budget. You can go for the simplest or go for massive fountains with all the effects such as lights and sounds. These are optional but if you have them, you can entertain guests whether it is during the day or after dark. The lighting effect creates a spectacular display that anyone will be proud of to show to friends and family.